Example sentences of "be term a " in BNC.

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1 A high temperature and a rash may be signs of a failure in the functioning of the organism , but can not themselves be termed a ‘ failure ’ .
2 This is the earliest novel that may reasonably be termed a thriller — a strongly atmospheric work , replete with midnight encounters , the eponymous mysterious and rather worrying white-clad lady and a highly dislikeable villain in the form of the obese and oleaginous Count Fosco .
3 The point is that , whereas most British breeds are now basically black or red , with or without white , or roan mixtures of black or red hairs with white hairs , the Jersey has always accepted what might be termed a composite coat , with many more colours , and even then the colour can change according to the season .
4 Actually some groups in current Western society wear what could almost be termed a uniform , in that it serves to give them a distinct identity , for example skinheads , hippies , and the tinted , spiked hair brigade ; in fact these non-verbal cues can influence interaction to such an extent that one has to be careful to avoid stereotyping , sometimes quite erroneously .
5 And , most importantly , they have been unable to devise anything that might be termed a corporate central-government strategy towards inner-city areas .
6 At another tennis tournament , the Braniff Airways men 's doubles tournament , Dan Maskell allowed patriotism to run away with him when David Lloyd and Mark Cox put up what might best be termed a ‘ spunky ’ performance , ‘ The British boys are now adopting the attacking position — Cox up . ’
7 MALCOLM ALLISON 'S return to English football with penniless Bristol Rovers could hardly be termed a last ride on the gravy train .
8 Past problems — in particular in the interwar depression — were analysed within a framework which might be termed a Keynesian hindsight model [ Pollard , 1969 ; 1983 ] .
9 If the ‘ kinship ’ school may be located within the broader framework of a power or class analysis of society , the ‘ society-as-parent ’ supporters might be defined as belonging more to what might be termed a ‘ personal .
10 It could be termed a quiet beginning , with scores of 38 and 35 along with a wicket with his offbreaks as the two sides drew .
11 Discontinuous conceptions of technological change may be termed a ‘ shifting ’ model .
12 A particular word-meaning which participates in this way in the meaning of another word will be termed a semantic trait of the second word .
13 Any constituent part of a sentence that bears a meaning which combines with the meanings of the other constituents to give the overall meaning of the sentence will be termed a semantic constituent .
14 A semantic constituent which can not be segmented into more elementary semantic constituents will be termed a minimal semantic constituent .
15 The meaning aspect of a lexical unit will be termed a sense .
16 ‘ Half a century ago ’ , wrote Arthur Young in 1804 , ‘ Norfolk might be termed a rabbit and rye country .
17 Along with the grey Seafarer echo sounder , the Walker log is what , in the world of yacht instrumentation , might be termed a classic .
18 It does nobody any favour to be termed a heavy drinker rather than an alcoholic .
19 Catastrophism became a joke and no geologist would dare postulate anything that might be termed a " catastrophe " for fear of being laughed at or ( in recent years ) linked with a lunatic fringe of Velikovsky and Californian fundamentalists .
20 The prima facie rule in subsection ( 3 ) can be termed a ‘ capital value ’ assessment .
21 This has involved close linkages between private and public capital and between mining and other sectors of the economy , giving rise to a core economic bloc which might be termed a mineral-energy complex .
22 Opinion was divided as to how far the conference could be termed a success .
23 We may call this a disparity of structure , as opposed to Bach 's , which could be termed a referential disparity .
24 If we examine the theory of the origins of human society and personality put forward by Freud in Totem and Taboo we find that it is what might be termed a monotraumatic theory .
25 Consequently , % PV flow values of between 20 and 30% fall within what might be termed a diagnostic ‘ grey area ’ .
26 In all the cases examined with full verbs , the bare infinitive has evoked what could be termed a coincident actualization , and its event is not represented as beginning to exist in time before that of the main verb , as depicted by this diagram of I watched him cross the street : This does not exhaust the expressive capacity of the bare infinitive , however , as we are going to see that it can also express what we will call coincident potentiality .
27 Georgia O'Keeffe ( sic ) , who exhibited very worthwhile things last year , shows a few good flower studies , notably a fine one of calla lilies , but the rest of her show might be termed a flop both in colour and design .
28 Opinion was divided as to the extent to which the conference could be termed a success : many environmental campaigners expressed varying degrees of disappointment and anger at what they saw as its failure to set binding targets for resolving environmental problems , and to address adequately the links between third world poverty and environmental degradation .
29 The Foundation questions whether Project Tiger — set up by the Indian government and the World Wide Fund for Nature in the early 70s — can be termed a success , and suggests that tiger numbers in India now might be as low as when the project began .
30 Thus the entry into the fourth bombing year could be termed a watershed in the fortunes of the Allied bomber offensive .
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