Example sentences of "with the heaviest " in BNC.

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1 Its taxes will hit those with the heaviest exposure to debt , creating the risk of property meltdown in the South of England .
2 Not only are the most disadvantaged on the receiving end of most crime , argues Harrison , they also have to put up with the heaviest police presence .
3 Generally the people with the heaviest credit commitments do have more than one credit agreement ( not necessarily with the same firm ) going at the same time .
4 Leaving income aside , the people with the heaviest credit commitment tend to be young .
5 By mid July Unionists in the Commons had tabled and spoken to over 160 amendments , with the heaviest burden falling on Younger and Sanders .
6 This classification makes it possible , for instance , for the analyst to use individual customer lists and market research survey data to identify the types of neighbourhood with the heaviest consumption of a particular product or service .
7 Mature students with young families , who are on their own financially and are burdened with the heaviest of financial commitments , are having to scrape by on an inadequate student grant and an even more inadequate student loan .
8 According to a three-year public investment plan agreed with the IMF in early April , overall state investment would be reduced by 30 per cent by 1993 with the heaviest cuts expected in agriculture , mining and manufacturing industry .
9 He sensed that his father had moved away and guessed what he must be doing : fortifying the boards with the heaviest things he could drag : the sack of provisions , the bench-boards , the high chair itself .
10 The issue they raise is charged with the heaviest moral and political overtones : did de Gaulle at any point give the go-ahead for Operation Resurrection ?
11 The new law lays down penalties ranging from a £2,000 fine to five years imprisonment , with the heaviest penalties for those who actually cause pollution .
12 After finding that large numbers were addicted , researchers then gave a psychological test to two groups of children — some of those with the heaviest addiction and others who did not play computer games .
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