Example sentences of "with the poorest " in BNC.

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1 The poorest people in our society are left with the poorest facilities — and that 's probably the same wherever you go .
2 If you take part you will be showing solidarity with the poorest nations in the world and letting governments everywhere know that you care about the environment and its undeniable rush to destruction .
3 Portes suggests that UN agencies , using a more restricted definition of informal proletariat , would equate it with the poorest 40 per cent .
4 A significant minority of one parent families is also concentrated in the privately rented sector which includes some of the oldest housing stock with the poorest amenities .
5 It is the hardiest breed of all , able to be productive where other cattle could not even survive , and , like other hardy old breeds , it is long-lived and can make do with the poorest of grazing .
6 The complexity of what needed to be done to give the scheme a chance of success was pushed aside , and Sri Lanka seems likely to end up the poorer , with the poorest suffering most .
7 So paradoxically , those with the poorest land came in the end to prosper the most .
8 During 1917 the proletariat detached the mass of the petty bourgeoisie from their earlier allegiance to the Mensheviks , SRs , and bourgeois nationalist movements of the minority nationalities , and in October , in alliance with the poorest peasantry , carried through the epoch-making socialist revolution .
9 Tuesday was the day of the week with the poorest attendance levels — averaging about 17 users compared with an average of 26 for the rest of the week — and senior Contact staff had little control over the situation .
10 Clean and well organised , she could conjure up the best with the poorest ingredients .
11 Our rail network is the lowest funded , the lowest staffed and has the lowest investment programme in Europe with the poorest quality service and the fastest declining level of safety , but B R has the highest fares .
12 India 's young idealists of the early Seventies gave up bright futures to work with the poorest .
13 A great many people gave ‘ mind an strength ’ in neighbourly love this Christian Aid Week ; and simply because more people have worked harder and given more generously , over 41,000 will go to the work of Christian Aid with the poorest 5% of the world , where 176 in every 1,000 children die before the age of 5 .
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