Example sentences of "with the smallest " in BNC.

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1 She and Bill went to see a litter of pale , yellow puppies and Marjorie fell in love with the smallest bitch .
2 That view is presented in a classical French , rarely illustrated , and then only with the smallest photographs or the occasional line drawing .
3 But Mr Major is likely be in power with the smallest Tory majority since 1951 and is now placed to take advantage of disarray in the Opposition parties and the expected economic recovery .
4 For Mr Yeltsin , who had been under great pressure all week , it was a victory achieved with the smallest of concessions — a vague promise to loosen monetary controls and grant extra help to Russia 's poorest .
5 Newark and Bassetlaw , the areas with the smallest numbers of potential clients , cover the largest geographic areas ; the pressure of potential demand in South Nottingham was especially great .
6 Following a ‘ bottom-up ’ analytical approach , we start with the smallest decision-making unit which uses land , usually centred on a hearth , involving a family , extended family or occasionally a larger unit .
7 For this reason it is prudent to commence with the smallest dose of glibenclamide , namely 2.5 mg .
8 With the smallest fall from grace , it is quickly turned into badness .
9 Retailers relied more on bank credit cards or their own ‘ store cards ’ to maintain and increase their sales with the smallest risk of default .
10 When you 're dealing with the smallest cogs in a ‘ million pound train-set ’ which in any case will not be operational for decades , how can you think to exchange these with a human life ?
11 Starting with the smallest at say 65cm ( 25½in ) diameter we should have at least 10 gores , and for the huge 204cm ( 80in ) ‘ chute 18 or even 20 gores .
12 Note that , since player II receives - , if he wishes to maximise his own expected receipts , he will aim to minimise the expected receipts of I. For example , in the problem of Section 10.3 , we can re-interpret the columns of Table 10.1 as the actions available to Firm II , and Firm II seeks to choose the column with the smallest maximum entry .
13 Mark the centres of all holes , then drill and bore , starting with the smallest
14 Given the long times required to charge the larger rods , you can see that after getting a first qualitative result with the smallest rods within a few weeks , a proper quantitative analysis to test the variation with rod diameter and current , and so establish the nature of the effect would take a long time .
15 All the forecasters had embarrassingly large errors , but the winner , with the smallest total error , was Morgan Stanley , an American investment bank .
16 ‘ THE art of taxation ’ , wrote Colbert , Louis XIV 's finance minister , ‘ consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the smallest possible amount of hissing . ’
17 Across a range of questions , the pattern was consistent : the first set contained the largest proportion of students who became less honest ; next came the second set ; honourably in the rear were the astronomers , with the smallest proportion of students who became less honest .
18 Some of the most satisfied women were actually those with the smallest number of aids and amenities .
19 To approach this problem , we first note that Sylvester 's expansion for negative powers of a matrix B gives unc It follows that the eigenvalue of B with the smallest modulus now becomes the eigenvalue of B-1 with largest modulus .
20 When using a camera at dusk , a photographer selects the lens with the smallest f-number .
21 Of the three kinds , mountain streams are least productive , with the smallest standing crop of invertebrates and least variety of species .
22 Astrophysics is concerned with bodies of cosmic proportions , but it is also involved with the smallest of particles , those postulated by quantum mechanics .
23 I imagine most people would want to get into this area in the smallest way and so with the smallest product , the postcard .
24 An unskilled man taken on in such a partnership , might easily find himself with the smallest share on reckoning day , which was usually at the end of a two month term .
25 It will consider a wide range of redistributive and revenue raising goals and , in each case , will use data from the UK Family Expenditure Survey and estimates of the effects of price changes on demand to calculate taxes which achieve these goals with the smallest distortionary effects on the economy .
26 He demonstrated that a rise in State spending unaccompanied by an increase in taxes would have stimulated the economy towards full employment with the smallest change .
27 Consider , insists Wade , the office of Secretary of State with the smallest budget of the Cabinet Departments yet arguably the greatest status in the system ( Wade 1979 , p. 354 ) .
28 Hypotheses are ranked by decreasing shortfall , the goal being to find the path with the smallest shortfall covering the whole utterance .
29 According to Jean-Marc Thiollay , ornithologist and government adviser on the environment , " French Guiana is unique in that it is the most densely wooded country in the world , the country with the smallest population and the only country of its kind with absolutely no protected zones .
30 Down to a skeleton staff , half a million pounds in debt and with the smallest county staff cut to the bone by an injury crisis , Kim Barnett 's side worked a miracle .
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