Example sentences of "with the earliest " in BNC.

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1 This had not been so with the earliest stages as drawn in The German Ideology or Formen because even here Marx talks of ‘ slavery being inherent in the family ’ and the universality of class relations .
2 For example , the Eskimos , who as hunters and fishermen are right at the bottom of Marx 's and Engels 's technological scale , have a kinship terminology which does not classify relatives any more than the English system does — a sign for Morgan of the presence of monogamy — while the Malays , who have possessed for a very long time highly advanced agricultural techniques , use a kinship terminology which Morgan and Engels associated with the earliest stages of evolution .
3 The advice usually is to start with the earliest one in time , especially in the circumstances of someone like Mary .
4 In a temporal context , the state of modern forestry represents the culmination of woodland resource use that probably began with the earliest hominids .
5 The interviewer takes each achievement in turn , starting with the earliest , and enquires in fine detail what it was interviewees did and how .
6 As the Tabarin and Lothagam jaws share only primitive characters with the earliest australopithecines , this is not enough to establish them definitely as human ancestors .
7 The basal tissue of the conodont has also been compared to globular calcified cartilage as seen associated with the earliest authenticated bone of Eriptychius .
8 It seems also that the regular equation of ‘ primitive ’ tribal customs with the earliest forms of European prehistoric culture provided an acknowledgement of common humanity , but one which was appropriately abridged and indirect .
9 It is thus , roughly speaking , contemporary with the earliest of the Gospels , if , indeed , it does not pre-date all four .
10 To follow this argument in more detail , it is worth turning to the product which is most intimately associated with the earliest period of the industrial revolution , that is cotton cloth .
11 The earliest large-scale sculpture we have in limestone or marble does not go with the earliest Daedalic ; but the wide acceptance of such an individual style is most naturally explained by supposing it the creation of one artist or school producing major works at major sanctuaries .
12 The first is that the traditional account of the Muftilik is in an important respect at odds with the facts since the dating of the Muftilik of Molla Abdulkerim in the traditional list can be shown not to accord either with the earliest biographical information or with such little documentary evidence as exists , this fact , in turn , having implications for the dating of the periods of office of several other Muftis .
13 To a large extent this was based on an assumed chronology of place-name development with the earliest names generally ending in -ton .
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