Example sentences of "play down the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 He then attempted to play down the row which surfaced following Lineker 's comments in his biography .
32 The Foreign Office is trying to play down the row but officials concede it could be some time before both sides talk again .
33 The RCM tried hard to play down the issue , arguing that all those working for refugees would achieve most if they cooperated .
34 We tried to play down the tackiness , but it did n't work .
35 Even so , his discussion of the contradiction between progressive forces of production and reactionary elements in the relations of production arguably distinguishes between rock and the older ‘ bourgeois hit ’ too starkly , for he tends to play down the survival of older elements in rock production , form and performance , as well as neglecting divergences of social use and interpretation , and differences of content .
36 Not that he 's the only climber who appears to wish to play down the education aspects of his past — amongst many others with whom you can have sport in this manner are Stephen Venables ( Charterhouse ) , our own Tom Prentice at Climber ( Harrow ) , or even Ed himself ( Uppingham ) .
37 In what appeared to be an attempt to play down the affair , President Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , widely regarded as a " moderate " , commented in a sermon on Feb. 16 that " if the West deal with the issue logically , the result will be that the Imam 's sentence will be regarded as an issue of Islamic expertise , not anything else " .
38 In practice , ethnographers tend rather to play down the question of whether their particular group is typical of others , but the reader must recognize that the choice of group is a kind of sampling , and the question of representativeness must arise .
39 The Benefits Agency is trying to play down the NAO findings , putting them down to administrative delays rather than errors .
40 In spite of the Jockey Club 's apparent determination to play down the doping cases and its hushing up the Flash of Straw investigations until now , it does seem that there is a sinister element at large in British horse racing .
41 While letters from serving soldiers tended to play down the awfulness of the trenches their wives , writing back , did not show the same restraint .
42 Those closest to Camilla yesterday tried to play down the scandal .
43 The tendency of official commentators , such as the OECD , to play down the role of speculation is totally unconvincing .
44 But egalitarian feminists tend to play down the value of biological explanations .
45 MOSSLEY — New coach Robert Nelson 's first priority will be to strengthen his defence , following the departure of Craig McCrugan to Lisnagarvey and the decision by stalwart Harry Burns to play down the club .
46 It is common for old people to play down the extent of the abuse and it is not easy to gauge how far their reluctance to discuss alternative care is due to fear of the unknown rather than acceptance of the situation .
47 Thousands perished , but the Japanese wished to play down the extent of the atrocities committed by their soldiers .
48 Certainly , in essence this is a political decision , but it would be naive to play down the extent to which this and other aspects of the policy agenda is shaped by officials .
49 By the same token , revisionist work has tended to play down the extent to which the intelligentsia set the goals and moulded the aspirations of peasants and workers .
50 Within days of the accident local officials and government ministers sought to play down the extent of the damage .
51 Trade President Michael Heseltine aimed to play down the impact of that speech .
52 Mr Heseltine aimed to play down the impact of Mr Lamont 's comments .
53 Trade President Michael Heseltine aimed to play down the impact of that speech .
54 Rhodes ' approach seems to play down the importance of ‘ local ’ politics because of its stress on the state system and relations within it .
55 Also , says Perera , the government tends to play down the importance of prevention and of synergism ( different chemicals in the environment working together ) , while they call for more epidemiology — or , as many environmentalists put it , ‘ counting the bodies ’ .
56 As a corollary , AI-workers have tended to play down the importance of neurophysiological knowledge about the brain .
57 There is no desire on our part to play down the importance of providing for those with special educational needs throughout their school career and thereafter .
58 Whilst no attempt is made to play down the importance of local rules to meet local needs , the existence of certain shared values is reflected in the provisions of the Code .
59 On the one hand , you wanted to play down the sleaze factor , not let it be thought that you 'd been involved with hundreds of men , that you slept with just anyone .
60 The regime , however , sought to play down the unrest and on Nov. 26 the Sudanese ambassador to Egypt denied that there had been a coup attempt , asserting that the situation was stable .
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