Example sentences of "move on [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have , I hope and think , moved on since that day .
2 This dacha had belonged to Mikhail Gorbachev before he moved on to bigger and better things .
3 Ray Warren left soon after and moved on to higher things , no doubt with some relief .
4 ( Morley moved on to greater things as Britain 's leading rock journalist and then even greater things as the mentor behind Frankie Goes To Hollywood ) .
5 Daisy Miller won her fifth race in a row here and is one of a quartet with five successes — the others are Claxton Greene , Confused Express and Rubie 's Choice — chasing Carl 's Choice , who moved on to eight in the West Kent Open and must be favourite to win The Daily Telegraph Trophy .
6 It was wound up in 1950 , as Europe moved on to other things .
7 Within four months , however , work had stopped on the reaction and the project moved on to other reactions .
8 They withdrew their support and Fawcett , whom they had seconded to the project , moved on to other research .
9 Unfairly , Sandra is still best known in Britain as ‘ Madonna 's best friend ’ , the possible — but in the end rather improbable — lesbian love interest that titillated the tabloids for a while until Maddy moved on to other mock shocks .
10 People smiled , and the conversation moved on to other things .
11 Ali Cemali , who had in the years between 888 and 891 moved on to other posts , was the first appointee to the new medrese and , though his salary is not specified , the course of his career to this point suggests that it can not have been less than 50 akce a day .
12 Within Bield one survey showed that half of those tenants who moved on to further care from sheltered housing did so wholly or primarily for mental health reasons .
13 After two hours of debate the synod voted overwhelmingly to receive the report and moved on to detailed discussion of the legislation .
14 While these differences had not been allowed to stand in the way of the launch of the EEC and its immediate economic schedule , as the organisation moved on to more of its objectives it was always probable that these differences would gain greater expression .
15 The horse moved on to unsound ground , feeling the danger and scrabbling for a foothold .
16 However , I find yoga a bit slow and I like to exercise to music , so I moved on to popmobility-type aerobics which I named ‘ slimobility ’ .
17 When he built up one successful enterprise , he often lost interest in it and moved on to another .
18 Nick warmed up his caddie career from 1971 to 1974 carrying Archer 's bag , and then moved on to work for Australian Bruce Crampton until 1977 , when he moved on to another Australian , Graham Marsh .
19 The little town was packed with milling crowds , but many of these were parents , come to collect their sons ' wages before they either went back to work or moved on to another farm .
20 He put the letter in his Out tray and moved on to another piece of paper , and then he stopped and went back to the first letter .
21 So they achieved it in one state and then they moved on to another and started a whole new campaign .
22 ‘ Next question , ’ she moved on with wan humour .
23 This positive working relationship helped to strengthen the foundations of the sport , especially when Sarah moved on in 1987 to become a senior staff coach at the English Ski Council and Development Officer for freestyle .
24 Then he moved on from that , into what he called Alan Ladd suits .
25 Barth and Brunner moved on from that position and came to focus their attention on the re-working and re-stating of the main classical Christian doctrines , especially of christology , in which they believed the meaning and content of the revelation was explicated .
26 I moved on from that then I was fifteen then , and me Dad was he was a butty and er so er I had to go on the face then .
27 They moved on after that , with Jessica dropping in bits about Parr as they occurred to her — although not that she was due to meet him the next day .
28 Although the survey was carried out in 1987 , and events in education have moved on with amazing rapidity since then , many of the conclusions that can be drawn from the interviews seem to have retained their relevance , particularly in the context of the issue I have been exploring in this chapter .
29 Melody 's moved on with some of my men , but she said she saw Boz again a day or two ago .
30 He was very soon to be forced to face the fact that things had moved on since 1939 .
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