Example sentences of "that bore [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody appeared to show the least surprise when Charles appeared in Service Dress after his servant had arranged a room at the farm for the change and a hot water wash after a little light work on the trench system , trenches that bore every resemblance to those he had seen and read about as constructed in the First War .
2 A quick flip through my cookery books turned up some Italian and Middle Eastern dishes that bore a passing resemblance to what had happened on Rebecca 's plate .
3 A lone grave , the resting-place of one who had died at sea , lay at a point of land under the shelter of a rugged knoll : the grassy mound was decked with a cross of white stones , and at either end an unhewn rock was placed to mark the spot as sacred ; and on the taller stone was a square patch whereon the remains of an inscription that bore a roughly-drawn cross and an anchor , and the fact J. M ‘ L. died at sea — all else defaced .
4 Somewhere here were the contributions of Duroc 's ancestors : a series of articles co-written by Pierre Henri Duroc and Donatien Alphonse Francois , Marquis de Sade , speculating on the limits of the human mind when confronted with endless pain ; some transcripts from the meetings of Robespierre 's Committee of Public Safety , in which the fates of some of the first families of France were decided on a whim ; a suppressed account of certain discoveries in a pre-human city that came to light in 19th-century French Equatorial Africa before the cyclopean stones mysteriously sank into the soft jungle earth ; Cauchemar et Fils , Maitres des Mondes Perdues , an unpublished novel by M. Jules Verne that was purchased from the author by a Great-Great-Great-Uncle and consigned to obscurity because it described a steam-driven engine to open up a gateway to a world of dreams that bore a remarkable similarity to a device that the Duroc of the time had indeed developed .
5 He was of medium height , with a spare frame , a little unsteady on his feet , perhaps , and with the sallow complexion of recent illness on features that bore a striking resemblance to the girl before him .
6 Frontier communities were left alone to devise ways of dealing with unusual crises and opportunities without having to conform to rules that bore no relation to local conditions .
7 Firstly , the ore was hand picked over to take out " deads " ( that is , any rock that bore no ore whatsoever ) ; then it was crushed by hand or by machines to a workable size ; then last of all it was washed on racks that shook heavy ore to the bottom while the lighter spar came to the top and was washed or scraped away .
8 The oldest Tertiary rocks contained archaic mammals that bore no resemblance to the living families within the class .
9 WC apps : 1st time Jack Charlton is still riding the wave of optimism that bore the Irish through the European Championship .
10 While he that bore the sitar thrummed and twanged
11 In October 1980 Rajinder Anand and his brother Gurcharan Anand gave an undertaking to a High Court judge , Mr Justice Graham , that they would refrain from handling any cassettes that bore the name Sony but were not genuine Sony products .
12 The ship that bore the name of Liddell was , frankly , primitive .
13 By a supreme irony Waugh Was to echo the point , coincidentally , in the very letter to Nancy Mitford that bore the tidings of Orwell 's premature death .
14 Once more , for the first time in over 45 years , Dan Knight was back in England , back in the pilot 's seat of a B–17 that bore the name Mary Alice in the familiar yellow letters edged in red on the nose .
15 Buyers were urged to boycott firms which refused to join in by looking for products that bore the NIRA badge : a Blue Eagle with the motto , " We Do Our Part " .
16 He went off in the direction of some green doors that bore the legend ‘ Narcissus Clothing ’ , muttering , ‘ That 'll do , that 'll do . ’
17 Now Houghton reached for the first file and took out the piece of card that bore the fingerprints of a possible match .
18 How could she produce anything that bore the stamp of continuity and at the same time managed to be fresh and original ?
19 He was wearing needle-thin black cords , the inevitable trainers , and a black and white sweatshirt that bore the logo of one of his sponsors .
20 It was the mass of poor Russians , the workers and peasants that bore the cost of industrialisation .
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