Example sentences of "much the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is striking , in fact , how much the latter idea seemed at the time to dominate as a first priority .
2 Some writers have argued that since the parties became so strong , it was inevitable that the influence formerly exercised on the floor of the House should decline but that much the same influence is still exercised by the meetings of the parliamentary parties .
3 And in the faculty he was surrounded by several men of substance with much the same opinions though with less hardness in their advocacy .
4 Documents containing both text and simple graphics can be created using much the same equipment except that a graphics screen will now be essential in order to see the charts and graphs .
5 15.39 Pupils working towards levels 8 to 10 should be involved in much the same programmes of work as those for level 7 , but will need increased opportunities , where feasible , for undertaking individual , responsible and formal roles .
6 We both seem to be held in much the same esteem .
7 much the same reduction in the capacity to scrutinize has taken place .
8 No need to worry — they they 'll be queuing up for me , ’ even though everyone knows that the whole area 's been appallingly hit by the recession and that the whole country , come to that , is in much the same state .
9 ‘ That will have to change if I do n't land a job with much the same salary , and jobs like that do n't exactly grow on trees , you know , particularly when you 're over fifty . ’
10 The Council of Europe , an international organisation of European states , of much the same character as the United Nations Organisation , is in no way a part of the constitution of the United Kingdom .
11 If the wind can be trusted to stay in much the same direction , safe parking is an easy matter .
12 ( In fact , the edition is based on much the same materials as will be used for the Rameau Opera omnia now in progress . )
13 For his improvising and melody line resources Joe draws from much the same scales we saw him use for his harmony .
14 1982 's release ‘ The Slide Area ’ found Cooder writing more of his own material , and covering much the same territory .
15 In 1985 , Anthony Burgess , perhaps even more controversially , explored much the same territory in The Kingdom of the Wicked .
16 Figure 5.13 shows the same data for the Focused model which , although it has much the same proportion of grid squares with differences in excess of 1000 people , now gives a total range from -4799 to +8339 .
17 David Feherty , who , like Richardson , has received his first Masters invitation , had much the same experience .
18 ‘ The man on top of the wedding cake ’ , as Dorothy Parker called Governor Dewey , with the snobbery of the rich left , had much the same experience of fallacious exaltation at the hands of the polls as poor Mr Kinnock .
19 The so-called applied sciences , such as engineering , agriculture and medicine , are concerned with much the same objects , but from a different stance : they are largely concerned with ‘ doing ’ , although again this does not necessarily preclude ‘ theorizing ’ or ‘ philosophizing ’ .
20 And the same boy , nearly ten years later , with much the same expression on his face , awaiting his turn in the Senate House to receive his degree .
21 The majority of Latin American governments have to operate under much the same constraints and , although nationalist tendencies have intermittently rendered this factor advantageous to the USSR , it has more consistently worked against Moscow .
22 Cut-ins , in which a close-up detail of something within the main shot is used , are similar to cutaways and serve much the same purpose .
23 They carry both cargo and people ; the two travel under much the same conditions , and are generally indistinguishable by journey 's end .
24 For the period before 1984 our analyses rely on much the same evidence as the Black report , though more complete registration data are now available .
25 The ages range from 4300 Ma to 4900 Ma , and dust from maria sites displays much the same range as dust from highland sites .
26 Much the same range of locations seems to prevail for the more romanized forms of housing .
27 Hall , whose second round score was 79 , missed from seven feet at the first and from much the same distance at the last .
28 while Labour Party ranks are being filled by further education lecturers , men and women with professional training with much the same outlook on politics as a profession as the younger Conservatives .
29 It was engaging with much the same processes as those later explored by Goffman , Harré and those working from a symbolic interactionist position .
30 The opening paragraph of The Autocar 's November 1965 test of a privately owned car ( to much the same spec as our example ) read : ‘ Few readers indeed will get this far before turning to the data page which follows , for the name of AC Cobra is synonymous with performance .
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