Example sentences of "change [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The matters of employing people is changing and in the main those changes fly in the face of traditional G M B organization and make recruitment and retention of membership more difficult .
2 Thus , if changes appear at an early stage it may be necessary to carry out more frequent testing ; alternatively , the reverse situation may apply .
3 The changes range from the introduction of the Single Administrative Document to a new worldwide tariff nomenclature and a new much enhanced customs entry processing system .
4 The Student Cook Book is exceptionally good at providing basic , helpful advice without sounding patronising or comic , and it is refreshing to have clear , reasonably technical explanations of , for instance , what chemical changes happen to the yeast in bread dough .
5 Dr Nakamura believes that these changes happen within the lifetime of a magpie , suggesting that the birds may be improving their powers of discrimination through learning .
6 These wider changes add to the need to reassess the working relations of the central health care workers — doctors and nurses .
7 The Educational Reform Act is to be the main focus of what follows , but not all of the major changes flow from the Act .
8 To make the return more palatable what is needed is symbolic reassurance that changes draw on the life blood that epitomises the regenerative power of the city .
9 Against such mono-causal explanations , they insisted that major social changes originate from a diversity of influences , including the exercise of political leadership or military force ( Schumpeter ) , culture ( Weber ) , or the psychological characteristics of differently recruited elites ( Pareto ) .
10 These changes strike at the very base of rugby union football as played for the last 100 years in that a player could play when , where and for whom providing that he paid his subscription before departing from his old club .
11 In that most cultivated of species , cultural changes proceed at an exceptionally high rate , and affect nearly all components of behaviour .
12 The impending changes arise from a worldwide desire to streamline and standardize international trading procedures .
13 The changes result in a staggering improvement in sawing efficiency , with tests showing improvements of up to 20% efficiency in cross-cutting and 50% in rip-cutting efficiency .
14 The next decade will see a somewhat different trend emerging as demographic changes result in the number of school leavers declining by more than one-third .
15 He has pointed out that both our own experience and Marx 's writings suggest that changes result from a disparate collection of circumstances which can not be reduced to a single contradiction , but are jointly sufficient for a situation to become volatile .
16 Some of these changes relate to the way the US ideal model of liberal democracy was said to sit uneasily with Japanese experience so some refining was necessary to render them more effective .
17 These changes come under the name " metabolism " .
18 Most of Vauxhall 's changes come on the Cavalier and Calibra ranges .
19 with Mr Ross and is expected to succeed him as chairman , stressed that the board changes come after a review process started last September .
20 The changes come after an 18-month review conducted by the chief fire officer , Mr Alf Thompson , and received all-party support at a committee meeting held behind closed doors .
21 This length of time is necessary to ensure that adaptive changes occur to the lungs and heart .
22 Thus a systems diagram can not completely represent the dynamic situation and the way in which changes occur during a storm event .
23 Ontogenetic and phylogenetic changes occur in the tracheal arrangement ( e.g. Leston , 1962 ; Whitten , 1962 ) without necessarily affecting the venational pattern .
24 For the remaining steps shown in figure 5 , structural changes occur in the sugar puckers at and beyond the site of the backbone transition leading to much worse correlation with the NMR data .
25 Major changes occur in the mode of production , superstructure and their relationship to nature .
26 Initially , these cellular changes occur in the parasitised gland ( Fig. 10 ) , but as it becomes distended by the growing worm which increases from 1.3-8.0 mm in length , these changes spread to the surrounding non-parasitised glands , the end result being a thickened hyperplastic gastric mucosa ( P1.I ) .
27 His films explore the effect physical changes have on the mind , and vice versa .
28 Using this approach , we amplified sections of the atk cDNA sequence from patients A and B. Taq I restriction site changes co-segregate with the disease in the families of both these patients ( see above ) .
29 A basic problem in our understanding of technological change is that economic and organisational analysis of change have in the past been poorly integrated .
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