Example sentences of "was take prisoner " in BNC.

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1 Our navigator , Fg Off Ruston was taken prisoner .
2 In 800 Pope Leo III was taken prisoner by relatives of his predecessor Hadrian I. They tried to blind him , but he escaped and fled over the Alps to Charles , who was encamped at Paderborn in central Saxony .
3 Jim Almonds had become separated from the rest and was taken prisoner .
4 For her part in the daring escapade , Flora Macdonald was taken prisoner and , for a year , lay incarcerated on a troopship in Leith Roads in the Firth of Forth , before being taken to London , where she was sent to the Tower .
5 Alfonso was taken prisoner , possibly by El Cid himself , and subsequently exiled to Toledo .
6 He was taken prisoner in Italy and tried to escape , I understand .
7 George was taken prisoner , too , when he was fighting in France , and I remember reading in a newspaper how he had escaped as well .
8 ‘ Her young man was taken prisoner at Dunkirk and not so long ago her father was badly hurt in the Clydeside blitz , but you 'd never know it . ’
9 Whilst the stipend supported him and his growing family , he probably never resided there but served as a chaplain in the Royal Army ; in this capacity he was taken prisoner in 1645 in an attack on Cardigan Castle in Wales .
10 But it was soon partly cancelled by the victory of the English-backed Montfortists at the battle of Auray , in southern Brittany , on 29 September 1364 , at which Charles de Blois was killed and du Guesclin , not for the last time , was taken prisoner .
11 The Governor-General was taken prisoner , though the Lieutenant-Governor , Dr Van Mook , escaped to Australia .
12 The intended beneficiary of this dynastic coup was Osred ( II ) , the son of King Alhred by Osgifu , Aelfwald 's sister , a youth of no more than 19 at the time , who reigned for a year but then fell a victim to further shifts of allegiance when in 789 he was taken prisoner , deprived of his kingdom , tonsured at York and expelled , and Aethelred , son of Aethelwald , resumed royal power ( ASC D , s.a. 788 , 789 ) .
13 He entered the merchant service and in 1744 , as a mate of a vessel returning from Virginia to Hull with a cargo of tobacco , was taken prisoner by a privateer .
14 Violette , armed only with a sten sub-machine-gun , covered her companions ' retreat through standing corn for twenty minutes until she had no more ammunition , and was taken prisoner .
15 I was taken prisoner of war at Saint Valerie for a few of my friends in from Edinburgh who were taken prisoner of war .
16 A British journalist was taken prisoner in the train ambush but was released after five days .
17 Archbishop George was taken prisoner and , with his clergy scattered , the wealth of his church looted and lost , was brought before Charles .
18 Continued Christy : ‘ A battle raged for five days before the enemy over-ran us , and I was taken prisoner ’ .
19 ‘ When Paddy Ashdown parachuted me in , I asked him what happened if I was taken prisoner .
20 He was taken prisoner by the Germans during the retreat to Dunkirk , but with his fluent French and German and determined initiative he was able to escape three times .
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