Example sentences of "cent over [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Hoskins , basing his cost-of-living calculation on a range of local price data , not simply cereals , calculated that whereas real wages of labourers and craftsmen fell by around 30 per cent over the second half of the eighteenth century , those of most woollen workers fell by nearer 50 per cent .
2 The government estimated that nearly one in three businesses would pay rate increases of more than 50 per cent over the first few years , with some paying more than double their previous bill .
3 He estimated that inflation had risen by 25 per cent over the first eleven months of 1989 and that the dinar had lost 50 per cent of its value since October 1989 .
4 UK beer sales have fallen some 7 per cent over the first three months of this year , due to a combination of poor weather and recession .
5 The MTFS in 1980 planned for a reduction in public spending of 5 per cent over the next four years ; there was in fact an 8 per cent growth in real terms .
6 Centralised lender National Home Loans has a cap & collar deal where the mortgage interest rate will not rise above 14.49 per cent or fall below 10.99 per cent over the next five years ..
7 THE GOVERNMENT 'S involvement in undermining attempts to freeze carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2000 ( Guardian , November 8 ) should perhaps be viewed together with the Department of Transport 's recently announced road-building programme , and projections that UK road traffic will increase by about 43 per cent over the next 20-30 years .
8 MR TRISTAN Garel-Jones , Foreign Office Minister , last night repeated the Government 's implacable opposition to plans of M Jacques Delors , EC Commission President , to raise the EC 's budget by 30 per cent over the next five years — a plan which would cost British taxpayers at least one billion pounds extra per year , writes Boris Johnson , EC Correspondent , in Luxembourg .
9 The Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change has constantly warned governments that the business of reducing carbon dioxide emissions ( by 60 per cent over the next two or three decades ) can not be put off any longer .
10 Britain , West Germany and the Netherlands want to reduce the scientists ' pay by 4½ per cent over the next three years .
11 British energy studies estimate that total energy consumption could be reduced by anything between 10 and 65 per cent over the next 35 years — depending on the political will .
12 The pit could ‘ reasonably ’ be projected to be profitable , although performance would have to be improved by 20 per cent over the next three years .
13 The Government is looking to increase student numbers by 25 per cent over the next three years .
14 Apart from Browne 's announcement that BP was increasing its North Sea investment by almost 10 per cent over the next three years , Shell outlined a scheme to spend £100 million refurbishing the Dunlin platform which will extend its economic life well into the next century .
15 However , a report submitted by the Department of Environment to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the following month , suggested that the UK 's total energy consumption could be cut by as much as 60 per cent over the next 15 years through energy conservation .
16 In this they were supported by a report from the Royal Bank of Canada which suggested that , if Canada fragmented , its annual economic growth rate would average only 1 per cent over the next decade ( rather than the projected 3 per cent if the country remained intact ) and that by the end of the century its unemployment level would have increased to 10-15 per cent ( rather than 7-11 per cent ) .
17 The government on Oct. 15 made limited concessions to the unions over welfare cuts , lifting the ceiling on pension rises slightly to a total of 3.5 per cent over the next two years , and altering the annual income ceiling for eligibility for health concessions .
18 The government announced on Nov. 8 that it would allow the value of the shekel to fall by 11 per cent over the next year in an attempt to bolster growth .
19 government initiative to reduce the incidence of suicide by er is it er five per cent over the next years because so many
20 It sets the target of reducing atmospheric pollution by 40 per cent over the next decade , and of stabilizing carbon dioxide emissions at their present level by the year 2000 ( fast becoming the widely accepted consensus target — see EDs 39 and 40 ) .
21 At present rates , car usage is expected to grow by 70 per cent over the next 20 years .
22 Endorsed by the federal Environmental Protection Agency , the " pollution prevention " package aims to reduce emissions of toxic chemicals into the Lakes by 50 per cent over the next five years .
23 Vehicle use is expected to grow by 70 per cent over the next 20 years .
24 The US car industry has formed a new alliance to challenge a bill which would compel car makers to increase fuel efficiency by 40 per cent over the next decade .
25 The government also released a study which showed that planning policies which reduced the need for people to travel could cut pollution and fuel consumption by up to 15 per cent over the next 20 years .
26 Sustainable Netherlands : A perspective for changing Northern lifestyles , suggests that the use of fossil fuels would have to be cut by 60 per cent over the next 20 years , followed by a further 60 per cent cut in the following two decades .
27 The European Commission has recommended to member states that they cut usage of methyl bromide [ see story above ] by 25 per cent over the next seen years .
28 The idea is to increase the Barn Owl population in the country by 50 per cent over the next 20 years .
29 Thames Water insist with demand for water growing by 40 per cent over the next quarter century , they must build a new reservoir .
30 Given current trends , car usage will increase by between 80 per cent and 140 per cent over the next 30 years .
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