Example sentences of "it seems clear " in BNC.

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1 But it seems clear that this one bears the marks of defeat and despair , and of a reprisal directed at the liberal England which has let the violator down .
2 It seems clear , however , that Chatterton need n't have had prodigious talent for the talent expended in the novel to take effect .
3 Sir : It seems clear from Sarah Helm 's report that members of SPUC and the Parliamentary Pro-Life Group , are determined to use the debates on the forthcoming Embryo Research Bill as though embryo experimentation and abortion can be considered together .
4 Whatever the details it seems clear that : ( 1 ) except in the case of
5 It seems clear , therefore , that demoralization caused by the bombing raids was considerable , the damage inflicted upon the standing of the German leadership substantial .
6 There was , it seems clear , much deliberate or subliminal exclusion of the treatment of the Jews from popular consciousness — a more or less studied lack of interest or cultivated disinterest , going hand in hand with an accentuated ‘ retreat into the private sphere ’ and increased self-centredness in difficult and worrying wartime conditions .
7 For non-Nazi , ‘ national-conservative ’ power-élites in the economy and in the army , Hitler 's ‘ charisma ’ had in itself never been a decisive factor , even though by the early 1930s it seems clear that substantial sectors of especially the ‘ intellectual élite ’ had succumbed in varying degrees to the Führer cult .
8 It seems clear that one of the effects of this is that more people are fearful both for their own future and for that of the person who has died .
9 The exact divisions remain uncertain , though it seems clear that rivers such as the Thames could have represented boundaries .
10 It seems clear therefore that the central administration was unable at this time to exercise effective financial control over the Forest wardens .
11 It seems clear that today 's will be the closest election since February , 1974 .
12 It seems clear that several million voters have still not made up their minds , and there is therefore an added incentive in the last few days to influence them .
13 It seems clear to us that all of the above criteria will be enhanced or negated by the way in which the change agent or the action system reacts to participation : what stereotypes do they have of client representatives ? do they believe in participation ? what expectations do they have of participation and client representatives ?
14 The main gathering of scholars was at Charles ' court , and it seems clear that there was a conscious attempt to restore classical glories , even though much of this did not percolate far beyond the royal circle of intimates .
15 Apart from the argument that there is simply too much government ( eleven state parliaments and governments , a bi-cameral federal parliament and a federal cabinet with 39 ministers , all for a country with less than half the population of Britain ( 26 million ) ) , it seems clear that the policy of bilingualism has rendered the government opaque and bureaucratic .
16 It seems clear from the surviving images that emperors took interest in and approved the form of their portraits , particularly those that would be seen by many of their subjects on coins and statues set up in public places .
17 It seems clear , however , that it would be possible in other similar circumstances for a police officer to detain such a person for what he or she did after the offence rather than for the crime itself .
18 However , it seems clear that the custom is a relic of pre-Christian sun worship , a celebration of the fact of the sun reaching its Zenith and an offering as an earnest for the promise of a good harvest .
19 Both were probably guilty of rewriting the history of their true feelings , and it seems clear , at least , that Coleridge 's proposal to Sarah Fricker was his own impulsive decision .
20 It seems clear that they had corresponded during 1796 , and by the time they met again at Stowey they were well acquainted with each other 's work .
21 This final scene of the novel leaves the reader free to believe , if he so wishes , that Pip and Estella will eventually marry , but it seems clear that CD 's intention was that we should understand that Pip 's renewed hopes were not to be fulfilled .
22 Thus it seems clear that arctica is the most numerous species on spring passage .
23 Regarding the article ‘ Magnetism and the standing stones ’ ( Forum , 13 January , p 105 ) , it seems clear to us that such stone circles were of great practical importance to their constructors .
24 In an area with around 250 cm of rain a year , it seems clear that if the hillsides are not replanted then silt is going to rush down into the river , through the sluice gates of the dam and into the new land , where irrigation canals might become seriously clogged up , and the fertility of the soil lowered .
25 It has also sought , without much success , a guarantee against predatory pricing by Eurotunnel although it seems clear that the government would not allow the ferries to go bankrupt as the result of such a strategy .
26 Whatever the future of the ferry industry it seems clear that the Channel ports are bound to suffer sharp job losses in the short term .
27 It seems clear that the introduction of systems that can complement and help guide good diagnostic judgement and reasoning is worth evaluation .
28 It seems clear that there is a distinction between the one who is a prophet and those who from time to time prophesy .
29 It seems clear from the overseers ' accounts for the late 18th century that two of the four adult Titford brothers were living as occupants of houses once held as leasehold properties by their better-off ancestors .
30 It seems clear that what has happened here is that Johnson has forgotten about the problem of finding ways of making meaning plain and has shifted to a different lexicographical problem , namely how to provide an exhaustive definition of words so that their entire meaning is made explicit .
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