Example sentences of "it becomes possible " in BNC.

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1 Therefore it becomes possible at last to read and evaluate what was earnestly planned , executed , fought for , tinkered with in a vain attempt to propitiate Katkov ( but also , as we shall see , for another reason ) , and finally surrendered .
2 For ‘ prodigies ’ ( ‘ Mr Binyon 's young prodigies ’ ) surely we ought to read ‘ protégés ’ ; and then it becomes possible to wonder whether the jocularity about bulldogs does n't mark a wistful or resentful sense that Binyon and Sturge Moore ( ‘ old Neptune ’ ) might have done more with their respective protégés than merely set them to sniff and snarl at each other 's heels ; to question whether the two senior writers could not have established themselves — at least for some purposes — as masters of ateliers in which the two young hopefuls might have enrolled as apprentices .
3 It becomes possible to feel that a compromise has been reached .
4 One of the evolutionary advantages of segmentation ( the division of the body into a series of similar parts ) is that it becomes possible to maintain an old function and acquire a new one simultaneously , by modifying the organs of one segment while leaving those of another unchanged .
5 Drawing on the insights identified above — combining the principles of human resource management , management of excellence and total quality management — it becomes possible to propose four principles for human resource management in education ( see Figure 5.1 ) .
6 By examining the two dimensions , it becomes possible to identify a range of leadership styles and their practical implications :
7 Such criticism leads us directly to the higher plains of aestheticism from where it becomes possible to adopt a universal outlook , a point of view based on the sort of timeless values that enable one to study objectively ( unsentimentally , unemotionally and ‘ without rancour ’ ) the lower depths of social reality .
8 It becomes possible to think of accounting for all the changes in form of early sea-urchin development in terms of a changing pattern of cell contractions and cell contacts .
9 Once a mutation that causes an abnormality is observed , it becomes possible to try and identify and isolate the gene .
10 You will find you have access to swims you once only dreamed about and it becomes possible for you to float fish in swims which can only be fished with leger tackle from the bank .
11 If , eventually , it becomes possible to increase productivity in this way , and such crop plants are developed on a large scale and for use in a wide variety of environments , it may help to reduce the impact of the enhanced greenhouse effect as well as increasing global food supplies .
12 From this progression it becomes possible to consider chronic diseases either as acute illnesses from which we have not been able to recover fully or as arising from the individual having insufficient ‘ energy ’ , for whatever reason , to develop an acute illness and be done with it !
13 As expounded in Chapter One , mankind 's need for a rational definition of ‘ god ’ is obvious , but before it becomes possible to produce an interpretation with any real meaning , there are two assumptions , already enlarged upon in this book , which must be accepted as fact .
14 And with the help of naturalists and ecologists ( and some of the best are very much aware of these added dimensions to their subjects ) it becomes possible to do consciously what has so far remained in the instinctive realm .
15 In short , it means that it becomes possible to impose almost any character you want on it , which should make the Standard a session player 's dream .
16 Thus , even though Britain 's population density is double that of China , and per capita resource consumption and pollution far greater , it becomes possible to believe that the third world is threatening ‘ our ’ global environment .
17 As neural complexity increases , however , it becomes possible to send the signal to a region of the brain which forms a map of the body surface , parts of which have evolved into sensory organs .
18 Suppose that in the future it becomes possible to predict others ' behaviour more efficiently by observation and computation than by the always hazardous venture of trying to fathom the mysteries of the human heart .
19 It becomes possible to envisage a sequence of shots in which real pieces of connected action are linked together by shots which are included to fill in the continuity gaps .
20 Through collecting up-to-the-minute information on what is selling and what is n't , and then making it available to suppliers via EDI , it becomes possible to achieve a stock replenishment process that is highly responsive to customer demand .
21 If we consider sources of stress as ‘ stressors ’ which build up to form a number of pressures , then it becomes possible to identify where stress is coming from and what it can ultimately lead us to .
22 For instance , the conditions in which it becomes possible for an animal to perform an act that would bring it food become rewarding themselves .
23 In short , as nuclear capabilities have developed and conventional forces become more global in their reach , it becomes possible to extend the canopy protecting the forces of progress from the United States and others who would arrest natural and necessary changes .
24 Indeed , Ramsay 's secret societies , the Nordic League and the Right Club , were so easily penetrated by intelligence agents , and the government has now released some of this material , that when this information is checked against independent sources it becomes possible to present a plausible account of what the British fascists were up to during 1939 and 1940 .
25 It is from this perspective that it becomes possible to understand the basis of the distrust of totalizing systems of knowledge which depend upon theory and concepts , so characteristic of Foucault or Lyotard , both of whom have been predominantly concerned with the attempt to isolate and foreground singularity as opposed to universality .
26 Once the individual begins to establish regularities , to generalise over experience , it becomes possible for him not only to recognise a particular experience as being one of a type , say a scolding or an interview , it also becomes possible to predict what is likely to happen , what are likely to be the relevant features of context , within a particular type of communicative event .
27 In addition , it becomes possible to notice certain movements , just out of focus on the horizon .
28 By using the workload recommendations of the Royal College of Surgeons of England it becomes possible to calculate how the outpatient and operative workload requirements of the population can be met .
29 Assuming that the proportion of visits done in the sample between 2300 and 0700 can be applied to the whole of Berkshire , it becomes possible to estimate the number of night visits which would have been claimable by using the definition of a night visit which applied before April 1990 .
30 With a separate , independent computer it becomes possible to have a video programme on videodisc or videotape , driven by a computer program on the computer .
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