Example sentences of "a single sheet " in BNC.

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1 As an exercise and to test my familiarity with the material , I drafted a summary of disputes procedures , both national and local , confining myself to a single sheet of A4 .
2 Rothschild and his successors tried to take a fresh look at issues too remote , politically inconvenient or otherwise ignored , and come up with clear , concise proposals for action , if possible on a single sheet of paper .
3 Alston replied to this in 1756 , his minute writing condensing to a single sheet thoughts which Miller 's careful copper-plate would stretch to three , and concluded that Edinburgh lagged behind Chelsea in some reading — he had not seen the Voyages until quite recently .
4 He could not be bothered to read anything longer than a single sheet of paper , and even that with great difficulty , and got so bored when any detail was explained to him that he often fell asleep .
5 Sinks are available as single or double units press-formed from a single sheet of steel .
6 These flaps gradually grew larger until they met the nasal and became a single sheet of metal , with slits to allow vision and holes for breathing .
7 Its prime target is an audience of decision makers whose names you can write down on a single sheet of paper .
8 On a single sheet of paper write down the main message of the report .
9 A single sheet printing of Dryden 's The Epilogue …
10 From it , Kirov drew out a slim sheaf of black and white photographs of the young pilot , and a single sheet of personal notes which he had compiled from their conversations .
11 It was a single sheet that had been folded neatly into four .
12 He wrote a single sheet .
13 Specialist suppliers may also provide a cold-weld compound to seal joins where it 's impossible to lay it in a single sheet .
14 Santa Cruz Operation Inc is circulating a 135-page spiral-bound octavo-sized ‘ SCO Hardware Compatibility Handbook , ’ listing the 200 systems and 800 peripherals it supports and tweaking SunSoft Inc for being able to do the same for Solaris 2.0 on a single sheet of paper .
15 The easiest way I have found to assess the strength of this group of goals is to give individuals a single sheet of paper and to ask them to write down in five minutes what they hope to achieve in the next five years .
16 The record form is a single sheet of paper as shown in Figure 5.3 .
17 It should be stored on edge , with a single sheet of newspaper between the panes for cushioning , and never placed directly on concrete or stone floors .
18 With the forefinger of her left hand , she slid out a single sheet of paper from the pile at her side .
19 One could find as much to write about on almost any other sheet of the Ordnance Survey ; and one could indeed write a whole chapter about a single sheet of the 2 ½-inch map , covering only some six miles each way .
20 When the gum was melted she opened it and slid out a single sheet of unheaded paper on which a short message was written in Italian .
21 They had sat opposite each other in a compartment crowded with Able Seamen , he watching the darkening fields flying outside the window and Bunny staring down at a single sheet of notepaper , pale blue in colour , which he held on his jigging knee and from whose fold poked a sprig of crab apple in bloom .
22 In fact , when the Labour Party did come to power in 1964 , the only documentation they possessed on this subject was a single sheet of paper provided by myself , recommending among other things the establishment of rent officers , an idea in which I was subsequently able to interest Dick Crossman .
23 The keyboard was supplied with a photocopy of the advertisement , presumably to give to a friend , and a single sheet showing how to fit it all together .
24 There was a single sheet of paper in the first one .
25 He fell to the floor , tangled in a single sheet , thrashing in panic .
26 And in the dark , when we lay beneath a single sheet and I gave off a Calabrian sweat , when the middle stretch of the night was shorter but still hard to get through — then , as I turned towards that loose S beside me , she would , with a soft murmur , try to lift the lost hair from the back of her neck .
27 I decided that the artwork would be painted in pieces ; the backgrounds on a single sheet and the rest in sections the same size with the artwork for close up details painted twice up for reduction .
28 on a single sheet I hope yeah ?
29 Poets were so highly esteemed that it was said that a Delhi-wallah visiting a friend in another part of India would always take with him as a present not jewels or hookahs or fine weapons but a few of Mir Taqi Mir 's new verses copied on to a single sheet of paper .
30 A single sheet of hotel writing paper , blank save for the pre-printed address .
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