Example sentences of "a long queue " in BNC.

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1 I am not thinking primarily of the well-established learned journals , which have high editorial standards and a long queue of articles waiting to appear .
2 There was a long queue ; before me an Asian couple stood with a trolley piled ludicrously with shabby luggage .
3 A long queue shaped like a cobra waits ‘ over there ’ .
4 The pressure of a long queue was the most frequent cause for stress mentioned in the West Midlands survey of volunteers .
5 Mayor Houde made his business headquarters at the Mount Royal , and when I enquired the reason for a long queue of nondescript citizens waiting before a desk on the mezzanine floor , I was told that it was ‘ pay-off ’ day for contributors to the mayor 's ‘ charity fund ’ for their ‘ protection ’ .
6 There was a long queue and the price was already slashed but this smartly dressed lady wanted more off .
7 Courtesy of these NME shows , you too could join a long queue for a booth in which Cliff or Dusty or Adam Faith sold kisses for two bob a time .
8 It looks therefore as if Russia will have to join the back of a long queue before its turn comes again .
9 The result is that shops use a work-in-process inventory to buffer themselves against problems and uncertainties , a situation where each station has a long queue of semifinished elements .
10 Taxis waited in a long queue to ferry them away , while others struggled up the stairs with cases or bags , determined to make their way by other means .
11 There the quotidian became immensely and unembarrassedly real : ‘ At the fish and chip shop a long queue .
12 So with all this in mind , as I sat in a long queue of airmen for the preliminary examination , I was thankful .
13 A long queue of customers greeted the shop 's opening on 4 May 1970 .
14 A long queue of foot passengers waited to get on the overnight boat from Southampton , but the sailors helped the pretty young woman , travelling alone with her daughter , to the front , and up the swaying gangway .
15 I followed mum and joined a long queue , there we had to wait for ages while other people on our flight handed in their tickets .
16 That was nothing to my thoughts two minutes later when I joined the back of a long queue for a bus that already had people standing !
17 In front of him stretched a long queue of women each clutching a copy of As the Crow Flies .
18 It says a long queue is forming .
19 If they succeed in finding a cure not only will the spines be restored to the hedgehogs but there will almost certainly a long queue of humans eager to try it out .
20 By Saturday they had both recovered sufficiently to fall in with the rest of the company for pay parade , waiting in a long queue to collect five shillings each from the paymaster .
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