Example sentences of "a few quid " in BNC.

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1 In On the Night of the Fire ( 1939 , The Fugitive in US ) , Ralph Richardson plays a small-town barber whose desire to be shot of a miserable life , ‘ earning a few quid a week and no hope of making anything more ’ leads him first to an act of casual theft , then murder .
2 With the raffle short of a grand by just a few quid , the cry for the remainder went up .
3 By the time I was 16 , I was winning major contests , amassing a few quid in the bank as a part-time model and walking as though I had a brush handle up my arse .
4 I set about building up an act with the aid of Rag magazines , joke-books , a gag nicked from here , a gag nicked from there and at my next engagement , four days later , I was billed as a comic and my fee went up a few quid .
5 I only have to go a few quid over and I get snooty letters threatening to take it off me .
6 A TV repair company in Southampton , Hants , said its call-out prices will rise from £25 to £40 and any work carried out was likely to cost ‘ a few quid extra for the inconvenience ’ .
7 And there is no shortage nowadays of people willing to slog round the streets delivering Betterware catalogues to earn a few quid .
8 Wheel clamps are n't on the list yet , but it 's still worth asking for a few quid off your annual premium .
9 More and more of us are too hard up even to afford a few quid drowning our sorrows in the pub .
10 ‘ I have spent a few quid myself , like breaking the British record for a defender when I spent £2.5 m on Keith Curle . ’
11 I can do nothing to help except give them good references and a few quid to tide them over .
12 me a few quid to give him and what have you !
13 ONE OF FIVE children who father , a bookie , died young , Lenny McLean grew up in one of the tougher parts of London 's East End , left school at fifteen and , as a young man , started to make a few quid in the unlicensed boxing matches which were becoming increasingly popular at the time .
14 Let me tell you , when those dubbin-lickers at Whaddon go on their knees and beg me to bring my United first team squad to ‘ The Tip ’ to put a few quid in their ailing coffers , I shall take great delight in treading on Ken Mentle 's fingers , provided he survives last week 's heart attack , and raising two toes in a defiant ‘ get lost ’ gesture .
15 Surely you can tap the chairman for a few quid so we can buy someone half-decent .
16 The guys at ADM Computing suggested at the first meeting that I save a few quid by opting for a Phillips Brilliance monitor instead of the NEC I 've coveted for a year .
17 Lots of shops will give you a few quid for a computer which an be added to their ‘ loaner ’ stock .
18 We think the night porter called them out , probably to make a few quid .
19 ‘ I know what a few quid means . ’
20 ‘ Aye , and I 'll send her a few quid to get some nice things , ’ Pat said , brightening .
21 Worth a few quid .
22 ‘ So you can tap her up for a few quid petrol money , eh ?
23 In fact he reckons you 'll save us and Kent County Council a few quid by doing so . ’
24 You never know who might mistake Armstrong for a real taxi and offer me a few quid as a friendly gesture for giving them a lift .
25 I was short of a few quid to do anything about it so my mate lent me the money , we went to a scrap yard , picked up a spare and he delivered me back here in his motor , then your chaps picked me up . ’
26 I somehow do n't think they will take major amounts of money at those very restrictive odds , though I suppose you may get a couple of punters putting down a few quid each way : - ) .
27 On Mon , 17 Jan 1994 , wrote : I do n't know who marked him at Elland Rd , but i 'd like to bet a few quid that Wilko puts Fairclough on him ‘ man to man ’ next Sunday .
28 Now they have a few quid and the rent money goes to Leeds council anyway , they want to ‘ get shut ’
29 There must be some better talent in the lower divisions , I do nt hold much hope of getting Cook because Wolves seem to have found a few quid recently and would certainly put a silly price on him .
30 That 's one of the occupational hazards of listening to people talking football — Docherty talking through his arse for a few quid .
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