Example sentences of "a single individual " in BNC.

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1 Regional variations in waiting times for operations , the excessive drugs prescribed by some doctors and other failings were often not the failing of a single individual .
2 So it was only on rare occasions that the issue of local sovereignty arose : usually when a person — a single individual — got carried away by indignation or by enthusiasm to raise points which prudent men , a little weary of what they considered to be rhetoric , tended to suppress .
3 Within the chromosomes of a single individual , however , there are processes whereby pieces of DNA are duplicated , or moved from place to place .
4 The larger rodents in both regions are represented by only a single individual in the ant assemblage probably because their bones are too heavy for the ants to carry .
5 Since these variations can occur within a single species , and even within a single individual , it is clear that good samples are necessary before attempting to distinguish patterns .
6 It is just conceivable , however that , even at this time he may have started to indulge in a very simple form of god worship entirely on his own as a single individual , group worship following much later .
7 He is not really a man related to other men in natural affinity or community : he is atomised man , human society pared down to a single individual .
8 This is an astonishing output from a single individual if detailed concentrated effort was put into all of them .
9 I quoted examples showing that significant changes in organizations can be catalysed by the presence of even a single individual who is willing to engage with the problem deeply , persistently and openly .
10 Such instances are not typical of their managerial system of control for it is unlikely that a single individual would be able to oversee a widely dispersed media empire .
11 For example , Private Acts of Parliament are treated as legislation even though they may regulate the conduct of only a single individual ; on the other hand , an ‘ administrative order ’ affecting a large number of people may be difficult to distinguish from as legislative act .
12 This discovery , that a combination can be stronger than a single individual , or a couple , marked a major step in humanity 's development as a species , but carried with it restrictions over sexual activity , because this leads to two people aiming to be independent from everyone else .
13 This is a strictly private company in that the issue of a prospectus is prohibited and even a single individual may act as the ‘ founder of the company ’ .
14 Units of the centrally planned national economy existed in many forms as they were set up by ministries , ‘ centres of production ’ , and directorates of production and were managed either on the basis of the responsibility of a single individual , namely a state-appointed director , or ( particularly from and after the 1956 Revolution ) by workers ' councils or a council of deputies elected by the whole work-force of the enterprise .
15 From the history of man in general we focus down to the story of a single individual , Abraham , and his descendants .
16 The design team may have many forms from a single individual working alone to a broadly based curriculum development team with specialists in curriculum design , graphics , programming and observation ; however , for our purpose it is useful to emphasize three roles — the curriculum designer who has overall responsibility for the program teaching unit and its associated written or audio-visual material , the program designer who realizes the computer program and the teacher developers in whose classrooms the material is tried and tuned .
17 For then , as Professor Jack Lively has pointed out , it is open to any minority , or even a single individual , to block a decision or policy which otherwise commands overwhelming support .
18 By 1840 not a single individual remained .
19 As we pointed out then , although a stretch of discourse can appear to be largely concerned with a single individual , or one discourse subject , so that the discourse may be loosely reported as being ‘ about ’ that individual , this should not lead us to claim that all discourses are about single individuals or can be given convenient one-word titles .
20 First , a single individual is never rewarded alone , but the reward is distributed as equally as possible within the work group .
21 It was a satisfaction to me many years later , when I was a member of a Royal Commission on Tribunals of Enquiry , established to advise how secrets should be dealt with , that I was able to persuade the chairman of the Commission , Lord Salmon , and through him the whole of the Commission , to recommend that there should never again be an inquiry of the Denning type , where a single individual was authorised to investigate any piece of gossip or scandal relating to any prominent public person .
22 Equipment of this kind is not something a single individual could afford but the services are available from a growing number of bureaux .
23 The whole essence of a TechDoc system is that it is an integrated product which allows a single individual to complete all the tasks necessary to create the final document .
24 No search should ever be carried out by a single individual .
25 If we recall the earlier section on knowledge , the idea of a single individual reaching a secure position of authority in relation to knowledge is dubious to say the least .
26 ‘ Conflicts of interest ’ may exist throughout the organisation — or even within a single individual .
27 the number of paid public appointments that can be held by a single individual should be limited ;
28 As defined , affray is no longer an offence of group disorder at all — it may be committed by a single individual attacking another .
29 Instead of the negation of all individuality , we are offered a parable of a single individual who , in his heroic struggle , " takes the whole Dionysiac world on his back and thus relieves us of that burden " .
30 The research " team " is usually just a single individual , or perhaps a married couple , with maybe a local assistant .
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