Example sentences of "information which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Since Anthony is above all concerned with highlighting the issues involved , rather than providing solutions , he then suggests the kind of specific accounting information which might satisfy the above four needs , and puts the arguments pro and con for each .
2 Other " get out clauses " included requests for information which might involve the supply of " unfinished documents " .
3 It was held : ( a ) When the police took the deceased into custody they assumed certain responsibilities , including that of passing on information which might affect his well being when he was transferred to the prison authorities .
4 You see , I 've been offered a great deal of money for information which might discredit Alan Dysart : anything scandalous from his past or present .
5 Only when the Government could prove that disclosure would cause " grave and irreparable injury to the public interest " — details , for example , of troop deployment in wartime or information which might trigger a nuclear war — was a court entitled to stop the presses .
6 We have taken every step to conceal its true identity , deleted names , places , and personal details , especially information which might identify the policemen and women with whom we worked , and even , following the example of others , employed security measures to protect the field notes ( Holdaway 1983 : 13 ) .
7 Battle and a whole belt of Wealden parishes produced no response at all ; since the data were collected by the local parish clergy , the low level of response is hardly surprising , farmers as a rule having a dim view of requests for information which might lead to a rise in taxes or tithes .
8 Viscount Dilhorne similarly held that if the requested court was not satisfied that evidence was required , direct evidence for use at a trial as contrasted with information which might lead to the discovery of evidence , it had no power to assist .
9 Meanwhile , a reward has been offered for information which might lead to the arrest of the killer of Arthur Brumhill .
10 Instead of keeping quiet about information which might deter doctors from prescribing the product under suspicion , companies should urge the agency to batch test imports .
11 A particularly apt example of the kind of information which might prove useful in validating and supporting the work of staff in this area is the McGraw Hill Book Co .
12 Nor would it have been possible to ask , nor even to rely on any information which might have been forthcoming , since Amabel , who always retired to bed for the duration of her own " monthly curse " had said nothing more to the point than , " Darling , I must beg of you never to speak of this to anyone , when Gemma at the age of fourteen had first seen evidence of hers .
13 The overall effect on sensitivity may actually be negative because the focusing of attention on redundant information may be at the cost of attention to peripheral information which might have otherwise been useful .
14 ‘ It transpired that the Archdiocese of New York had allowed the state to defame , prosecute and condemn me , not only without offering me any aid , but also keeping from my attorney any information which might have helped me . ’
15 Even where it was possible to draw up useful statistics , local officials were reluctant to forward information which might increase the demands made upon them by their superiors in St Petersburg .
16 ( 28 ) You never gave information which might help others get in ahead of you .
17 A local authority is not obliged to disclose information which would identify an informant in a child abuse case without that person 's consent .
18 But Ferranti said yesterday : ‘ The report confirms that Coopers & Lybrand have found no information which would lead them to suspect that the Ferranti International balance sheet exposure to fraud was any different from that referred to in the letter to shareholders dated 29 September .
19 Occasionally the spark of an intuition flashes across his consciousness , but for the most part his mind is a blank screen filtering out information which would lead to any profound political and social awareness .
20 This was a well arranged study to generate information which would enable predictive models of analysis of exposure levels of ( U.S. ) embalmers to formaldehyde and other substances encountered in embalming procedures .
21 At the very least , if the best conditions for improvement were to obtain , they saw the need to ensure that illegal importations did not occur and that it was valuable to have information which would allow a judgement as to whether the slave population was increasing .
22 It is impossible to resolve these problems since there is no information which would allow us to pass judgements on them .
23 ‘ The discretion must be exercised with a recognition that the primary purpose of section 236 is to enable office-holders to obtain the information which would have been obtainable by the company as a going concern .
24 Once employed , they became difficult to dismiss either for reasons of inefficiency or economy , not only because they felt that they had acquired a vested interest in the job , but also because they " possessed information which would have been very useful to the union 's opponents " .
25 The class were able to use a new information source ; to locate and extract information from that source ; use Mailbox to send for further information ; see tangible results from their Mailbox request ; and obtained up-to-date and vivid information which would have been hard to get from another source .
26 Does anyone have information which would assist in getting this piece of equipment back into use ?
27 The District Council has now commenced survey work for the local plan and is seeking information which would assist in the preparation of the district wide local plan .
28 If she reads this , or if any one reading it knows of her present whereabouts or has any information which would help me contact her , would they please let me know by writing to me at .
29 The exception might be the synthesis of information which may achieve the same aim as analysis .
30 ‘ Faced with the myriad opportunities for the concealment of fraudulent activities which companies and trusts provide , Parliament has given the Serious Fraud Office the power to call upon a suspected person to come into the open , and to disclose information which may incriminate him .
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