Example sentences of "of the foremost " in BNC.

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1 Keele University acknowledged Michael Akehurst 's position as one of the foremost international lawyers of his time by awarding him a personal chair in February 1989 .
2 Tillyard , one of the foremost Milton scholars of his day , had suggested that we can only fully understand Paradise Lost when we understand the man who wrote it .
3 Though indeed he had been a civil servant , Chambers was one of the foremost literary scholars in England .
4 In 1731 a friend , Ambrosius Beurer , introduced young Ehret to the celebrated Dr Christopher Jacob Trew of Nürnberg , another physician-botanist , whose encouragement enabled Ehret to develop into one of the foremost botanical illustrators of the eighteenth century .
5 Indeed , Catholic theories of federalism are quite explicitly anti-liberal : a glance at the writings of one of the foremost theorists of federalism , Denis de Rougemont , shows the depth of this feeling .
6 Fry , perhaps consciously , was echoing the views of the foremost artistic panjandrum of a previous age .
7 A graphic description of this theme has been given by one of the foremost experts on the Maya , J. E. S. Thompson :
8 one of the foremost and oldest scientific societies in the world ( est. 1660 ) .
9 Mr Sampson was , in his day , one of the foremost cricketers in England , and worthily upheld the credit of his native town ’
10 Forty years on , the Theatre Collection is a leading research centre for the study of drama and theatre history and has achieved an international reputation as one of the foremost collections of its kind in Great Britain .
11 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
12 One of the foremost exponents of Hawaiian slack key guitar was the superb musician and singer Gabby Pahinui , and Gabby is the reason we 've been given this rare and welcome opportunity to speak to Ry Cooder .
13 It is still in the madeira trade , and Noël Cossart was one of the foremost experts on madeira wine .
14 In relation to the adornments quoted by Bradshaw , Professor Elkin , one of the foremost researchers into Aboriginal culture , was told that the name for these was ‘ taramala ’ .
15 Who better than one of the foremost earls of Scotland , at the very gateway to his own territories of the Merse and Lothian ? ’
16 to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area , or
17 to pass ahead of the foremost part of a stationary vehicle on the same side of the crossing as the approaching vehicle , the stationary vehicle having stopped to accord precedence to a foot passenger
18 ‘ to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area ’ This phrase means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass ahead of a slower moving motor vehicle travelling in the same direction .
19 ‘ to pass ahead of the foremost part of a stationary vehicle on the same side of the crossing as the approaching vehicle , the stationary vehicle having stopped to accord precedence to a foot passenger ’ This phrase is the alternative offence to point number 6 and means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass a stationary vehicle as opposed to a moving motor vehicle in point 6 .
20 The Christie Hospital is one of the foremost cancer treatment hospitals in the country , and Nigel was admitted the day after Boxing Day and given four X-ray therapy treatments .
21 Facilities which will make the NIA one of the foremost sporting venues in the world .
22 It displays one of the foremost characteristics of gritstone climbing , and one which is by no means confined to Froggatt : namely a dearth of protection ! .
23 It 's good to see some sound sense being talked about the Mar Lodge estate controversy by the John Muir Trust , fast becoming one of the foremost environment bodies in Scotland .
24 The Americans , to their great credit , have recently taken the bold , if not brave , initiative , of targeting young black talent for special help , in association with many of the foremost , up and running , and independent schemes in the country and in complete accord with United States Tennis Association 's ( USTA ) President , Bob Cookson 's stated aim , that of ‘ providing growth opportunities for young American tennis players from every background and all environments ’ .
25 Yeadon are one of the foremost manufacturers and installers of structures in North America , having installed 400 air halls in that country and Canada in the past 20 years , including a structure for the Canadian Tennis Association in Toronto .
26 Durie , who at 31 , is fast becoming one of the foremost ambassadors for the sport in this country , and known for her passion and honesty for the British game , went on to give some basic practical advice to the enthusiastic youngsters .
27 This campaign to reincorporate the visual arts into religious devotion had a particular appeal for Charles I , who was one of the foremost art collectors of his day .
28 Wren 's thrusting and dynamic cathedral reflected the pride and confidence of what was by now one of the foremost cities and commercial centres in Europe , and symbolized the growing assertiveness and patriotism of an emergent imperial power .
29 Altdorf is renowned as a seat of learning , and the University of Altdorf is the most highly respected academic institution in the Empire , where lords and princes from many lands come to sit at the feet of the foremost thinkers in the Old World .
30 In spite of the unlikeness of Kant 's approach and that of utilitarianism , one of the foremost moral philosophers of our time , R.M. Hare , has developed a moral philosophy which is something of a synthesis of them .
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