Example sentences of "of a lifetime " in BNC.

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1 Share your gardening tips with other readers and you could win the holiday of a lifetime
2 Just leave me alone again , why not , it 's what you always do , just leave me alone with loving you , wanting you , needing you — why break the habits of a lifetime — GO ! ’
3 Lifetimes of commitment explores the ways in which political belief is developed and sustained throughout the course of a lifetime .
4 The competition is being run for five months , of which this is the fourth , so you 've still got two chances to win this holiday of a lifetime .
5 Would n't today 's permanent secretaries rather resent one of their own returning to tell them how to overturn the habits of a lifetime ?
6 The price of a car in East Germany can be a significant proportion of a lifetime 's earnings , and the wait for the car can last a significant part of that lifetime .
7 Keith Floyd , the housewife 's galloping choice and tippling gourmet extraordinaire , has said goodbye to the roues of Provence , the stews of West Cork and embarked upon , as he so professionally put it , ‘ the BBC maxi-break of a lifetime ’ .
8 When most people bring their catch of a lifetime to him , they do n't realise that he just wants the skin , not the flesh .
9 After wondering why out of a lifetime ‘ certain images recur , charged with emotion , rather than others ’ , Eliot sees these as symbolic ,
10 Habitat is an old hand at changing habits of a lifetime .
11 James Rainbow fished his first ever pike session last week and caught the fish of a lifetime — a beauty of 24 lb 8 oz .
12 This was the chance of a lifetime .
13 Less sleep is needed by the elderly , but the habits of a lifetime might not be changed automatically , with the result that individuals retire earlier than necessary and too much time is spent in bed .
15 For the chance of a lifetime , simply fill in the coupon and send it to the address below , together with your photographs , no later than Monday March 4 , 1991 .
16 Our free-entry competition could whisk you away from it all on the romantic trip of a lifetime .
17 Breaking the habit of a lifetime , he has joined a Commons standing committee .
18 He was living with his third wife , the ice goddess Veronica , in an LA mansion , surrounded by the gifts of a lifetime — a six-foot , hand-carved tiger given to him by Deng Xiaoping , a robe given to him by Elvis Presley .
19 In Jane 's case , she could not snap out of a lifetime of worry overnight .
20 The true value of a lifetime 's loneliness is then seen as Nothingness , Emptiness , perfectly expressed in the minimal art of traditional ikebana , and in the minimal , marginal existence of the person without ties , without permanent position , situation , family , roots .
21 Because of Frankie she had graciously rejected the opportunity of a lifetime .
22 The suit bore the wounds and scars of a lifetime 's responsibilities in its faded knees and elbows , its sagging seat and greasy tired lapels .
23 There 's the holiday of a lifetime for the best tip of the year
24 Learning to change the habits of a lifetime will take longer than a week or a month .
25 If you are trying to alter the habits of a lifetime , expect the process to be slow .
26 The skill and habit of a lifetime refused to desert her altogether now she had no need of it and Alida Thorne still made her own dresses .
27 But it looked at one stage as if they might lose their first choice and have to stay in Reigate for another summer when negotiations for the purchase coincided with their long-planned holiday of a lifetime — watching last month 's world cup cricket in Australia .
28 ‘ Winning the ABA this year will make up for losing the chance of a lifetime of going to the Olympics , ’ said Calzaghe , 20 .
29 Based inland , our hotels are situated in Orlando and neighbouring Kissimmee , ideally located for the vast variety of sights and theme parks you will want to visit on this holiday of a lifetime .
30 Book your summer '90 holiday with this White Hot Deal section and save yourself £££s ! club 18–30 is offering you the chance of a lifetime to book a fun-filled holiday at some of the lowest prices around .
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