Example sentences of "the 1992 election " in BNC.

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1 On present form , future generations are likely to look back on the 1992 election — with its emphasis on marginal tax rates — as at best rather quaint , or at worst a tragic irrelevance .
2 GOOD : The star of the 1992 election is Michael Heseltine .
3 Nothing would weigh more heavily with many Tories than the thought that what above all had led them to throw away the 1992 election was the way the positive values and achievements of the Thatcher years had been allowed , through loss of nerve , to be obscured .
4 WHILE the voters voted and the counters counted , it was instructive to note what TV fare our opinion formers thought fit to celebrate the nation 's release from the 1992 Election .
5 But the Roblett brothers profess ignorance of the 1992 election issues .
6 By the time the 1992 election was called — exactly a month ago today — Labour had a new leader ( at least since 1983 ) and new policies .
7 I suspect it 's because the 1992 election is the first in which the BBC is following ITN 's lead by using exit polls .
8 The fielding of a single candidate chosen from the participating party with the most votes in the 1992 election ( or any other generally acceptable means to achieve the same result ) .
9 As we argued here on 17 April , Labour 's failure in the 1992 election was more to do with its inability to mobilise its traditional base of support than with any inability to reach out to newer social groupings .
10 By the 1992 election , this was down to 95.3 per cent .
11 One of the odder aspects of the 1992 election was the anecdotal evidence from polling station officers who reported to the Market Research Society that many people tried to vote , but only discovered that they were not on the register when they got to the polling station .
12 So promised the Tory manifesto for the 1992 election .
13 And will advertising play as significant a part in the 1992 election campaign as in 1979 , 1983 or 1987 ?
14 In part this was intended to embarrass President Bush into having to choose whether or not to veto the legislation before the 1992 election , since abortion is an issue on which he was seen as vulnerable among women who would otherwise vote Republican .
15 The only guarantee that I can give is that there will not be a Tory Government after the 1992 election .
16 He was speaking on the eve of a meeting at the Camp David presidential retreat with 30 political advisers to formulate a strategy for the 1992 election campaign .
17 Congress had granted him another amnesty to contest the 1992 election .
18 In the 1992 election campaign , Jagan performed a political volte face , promising to continue with the free market policies latterly pursued by the PNC government , including the privatization of state enterprises , in order to attract foreign investment .
19 Outgoing PNC Prime Minister Hamilton Green claimed , however , that the 1992 election had been " hijacked " by the Elections Commission .
20 The figures relate to 1990 , before the traditional political increases began with the approach of the 1992 election , but the pre-election boost is already being pruned back .
21 ( In the 1992 election it hardly got beyond a slanging match over who had identified the young patient awaiting treatment for glue ear who was featured in a Labour election broadcast . )
22 ‘ Level playing field ’ is without doubt the buzz-phrase of the 1992 election .
23 The SNP suggests that membership should be divided proportionally among the political parties according to the 1992 election result .
24 After the 1992 election , this process continued with Labour overtaking the Liberal Democrats in a rush to the right .
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