Example sentences of "the 1990 budget " in BNC.

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1 Brussels : Prices tumbled on the last day of the forward account Oslo : Caution ahead of the 1990 budget clipped 3.83 points off the index to 527.08 .
2 ‘ The praesidium decided not to support the 1990 budget and the party is against the ( government 's ) housing programme .
3 Since the 1990 Budget , parents with a child in a workplace nursery do not pay tax on the value of the care , but women employed by companies that either ‘ buy ’ places at private nurseries or the 60 or so firms such as British Gas , National Power , Debenhams and BMW which issue childcare vouchers ( worth an average £27 a week ) must pay tax on what is treated as a perk .
4 The table below shows HM Treasury forecasts for growth in components of aggregate demand , as well as total gross domestic product and manufacturing output , made at the time of the 1990 budget .
5 Introduced by the Chancellor in the 1990 Budget , this scheme allows individuals to make single gifts to charities of£400 or more with the benefit of tax relief .
6 The 1990 Budget Enforcement Act put caps on ‘ discretionary ’ spending — everything except entitlements to pensions , health care and the like .
7 Higher-than-expected entitlements levels , according to the Congressional Budget Office , is one of the main reasons why the deficit is bigger than it was expected to be in the 1990 budget agreement .
8 The tax concession in the 1990 Budget , which allowed tax relief for employees on the benefit of nursery facilities provided by an employer , has been instrumental in promoting child care arrangements .
9 I have already referred to the tax concession in the 1990 Budget .
10 Does my hon. Friend agree that the United Kingdom has many more women in work than any other European nation and that tax relief on workplace nurseries , which was introduced in the 1990 Budget by the then Chancellor of the Exchequer , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister , has greatly assisted many working women ?
11 The 1990 budget , presented by Babangida on Jan. 1 , renewed the government 's commitment to economic reform under the structural adjustment programme [ see p. 37140 ] , and stated that emphasis would be placed on reducing inflation and restricting monetary expansion .
12 It represented a 2.6 per cent decrease in real spending compared with the 1990 budget , and involved the recommended closure of 35 domestic military bases , the realignment or reduction of forces at a further 200 military facilities and the closure of 13 overseas bases .
13 Democratic anger was compounded by the Congressional Budget Office 's latest estimate of the 1990 budget deficit as $138,000 million .
14 This was partly due to the legacy of the bitterness over the 1990 budget [ see p. 36969 ] , but was also the result of an initiative made on Dec. 29 , 1989 , by Senator Daniel Moynihan ( Dem. , New York ) , who had suggested cutting social security contributions in an effort to make the US taxation system more progressive and to unmask the true size of the budget deficit .
15 The mine 's formal closure was a severe blow to the country 's economy as it was estimated to provide up to 20 per cent of government revenue and some 40 per cent of the country 's export earnings ; in formulating the 1990 budget , the government had assumed the mine 's reopening by the end of 1989 .
16 The 1990 budget provided for investment spending of 106,300 million francs CFA , compared with 93,170 million in 1989 , and for recurrent expenditure of 41,300 million as against revenue of 29,300 million .
17 The 1990 budget of 22,689,000 million won was passed by the National Assembly on Dec. 19 , 1989 [ see also p. 37123 ] .
18 The Council of Ministers on Dec. 7 , 1989 , approved the 1990 budget , totalling SS86,012 million .
19 The Minister of Finance , Maj. James Michel , presented the 1990 budget on Dec. 30 , 1989 .
20 The 1990 budget presented on Jan. 1 , 1990 , announced an increase of 8 per cent in government expenditure to US$4,600 million , coupled with a predicted 18.5 per cent growth in revenues to $3,771 million and a lower projected budget deficit of $826.3 million .
21 The National Assembly on Feb. 15 , 1990 , approved the 1990 budget amounting to 103,300 million francs CFA , an increase of 2,500 million francs CFA on the previous year , and with a projected deficit of 56,500 million francs CFA .
22 Submitted to parliament by Prime Minister Alphonse Poati-Souchalaty on Dec. 14 , 1989 , the 1990 budget totalled 251,134 million francs CFA , as against 235,833 million francs CFA for the previous year .
23 The main features of the 1990 budget presented on Aug. 25 , 1989 , and approved on Sept. 12 were ( i ) cuts of between 1 and 3 percentage points on all rates of income tax ; ( ii ) an increase in the sales tax from 16.5 per cent to 17 per cent ; ( iii ) increases in child benefits ( by 15 per cent ) and in student loans ; and ( iv ) tax incentives for car owners to instal catalytic converters ( to reduce toxic emissions ) .
24 The 1990 budget , which had been agreed by the Cabinet on Sept. 29 , 1989 , completed its passage through Parliament just before Christmas without major difficulties [ for 1989 budget — see p. 36434 ] .
25 The 1990 budget provided for expenditure of $1,356,500,000 and revenue of $1,001,400,000 .
26 Finance Minister Louis Chimango presented the 1990 budget on March 23 , 1990 , announcing a reform of the tax system involving tax cuts , a broadening of the tax base and improved collection measures .
27 The 1990 budget was introduced on Jan. 31 , 1990 , by Albert Reynolds , the Finance Minister [ for 1989 budget see p. 37013 ] .
28 The 1990 budget , presented in October 1989 , sought a 4 per cent growth rate while reducing inflation to between 9.5 and 10.5 per cent .
29 According to observers the significance of the vote in terms of national politics was that it would increase the likelihood of the minority government seeking to secure the support of the Progress Party for the 1990 budget , which was due to be voted on in parliament in December [ see below ] .
30 The 1990 budget as passed by the Bundestag in December 1989 provided for a 3 per cent increase in expenditure and a federal budget deficit of DM26,900 million ( as compared with DM28,000 million as envisaged for the 1989 budget — see p. 36498 — and one of DM20,000 million actually achieved in 1989 ) .
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