Example sentences of "the very idea " in BNC.

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1 In such a world the very idea of research and academic prowess becomes charged with structural ambiguity simply because it creates the potential for outsiders to bring challenging concepts across boundaries which , at other times , are sacrosanct .
2 That argument showed that knowledge of the external world can not be reduced to behavioural dispositions , for the very idea of a disposition functions only in the context of an unreduced grasp on the physical world .
3 It is from these uncertain interstices that there emerge Fanon 's challenges to Enlightenment ‘ Man ’ , and indeed to the very idea of an essential human subject ; Bhabha finds in Fanon a powerful and subversive sense of identity as involving a split , precarious , contradictory relation to the Other , the upshot of which is a radical ambivalence , destructive but also potentially empowering .
4 Some GPs remain ignorant of the existence of RSI as a bona-fide illness , or even hostile to the very idea .
5 Most notable in the first category have been six veterans of the Romanian Communist Party who at the beginning of the year addressed an open letter of defiance to President Ceausescu , telling him that ‘ the very idea of socialism for which we have fought is discredited by your policies ’ .
6 But it 's also the very idea of someone being judged ‘ criminal' ’ or ‘ insane' ’ because they 're unable to fit into what a basically corrupt society considers ‘ social' ’ or ‘ ‘ sociable' ’ . '
7 So you take issue both with the very idea of ‘ the normal ’ and ‘ normalization ’ , and with the fact that the authorities do n't even bother to fulfil their professed
8 After some time , when people began to chafe against the impotence , isolationism and élitism of the post-punk avant-garde , this notion , indeed the very idea of the ‘ alternative , ’ was gradually dismantled .
9 It is , rather , that the very idea of a body of knowledge about the world , of the sort we have now , the very idea of a natural science , was being forged at the time .
10 It is , rather , that the very idea of a body of knowledge about the world , of the sort we have now , the very idea of a natural science , was being forged at the time .
11 The very idea of taking drugs disgusted me .
12 ‘ Besides , as Mona will tell you , I 've reformed at the very idea of being put in clink for treason or whatever they call it .
13 Gales of laughter at the very idea .
14 Little could be done to counteract the John Osborne criticisms , for they abominated the very idea of monarchy .
15 From the other flank , Michael Foot thought plans for reform gave too great a power of patronage to the prime minister and mocked the very idea of a representative democracy .
16 Firstly , the idea of balance is written into the very idea of a Royal Commission .
17 As a consequence , the very idea of politics became degraded and execrated in the minds of the citizens , as it seemed to them synonymous with lawlessness , mendacity and opportunism . ’
18 a nationalism which stood upon a critique of the very idea of civil society , a movement supported by the bourgeoisie which rejected the idea of progress , the ideology of a political organisation fighting for the creation of a modern national State which accepted at the same time the ideology of ‘ enlightened anarchy ’ .
19 Indeed , for many the very idea of attaining a political focus has been discarded in favour of a celebration of fragmentation .
20 We showed that the very idea of an ‘ own ’ body was a loaded assumption .
21 It was n't that the new treatment was particularly bad , it was just that the very idea of a re-mix fell directly against the grain of the code of ethics publicly laid down by The Smiths .
22 It 's fairy story nonsense , the very idea of their existence in these days when people are dying daily because they do n't have enough money to operate one radiator in the house , to me , is immoral .
23 Although I hated the very idea of selling things to people who might not want to buy them ( even if it was good for them ) I made quite a few sales , the main commission deriving from the sale of a Group Insurance Scheme to 32 men from the Times-Herald staff .
24 The very idea of the gardens of noumena gives calm for the mind is turned into a sanctuary forever impregnable , for ever hidden and unknown and unknowable .
25 Once people had become accustomed to the very idea of mechanically reproduced sound , they could not accept sudden large improvements in quality .
26 The very idea of a polymer of ethylene went against conventional wisdom .
27 Her abilities might suit her to a top job in the Civil Service , but she gets such a buzz from being in the private sector , she would hate the very idea .
28 In my old age the very idea of coping with agents , tenants , taxes , VAT , the Ministry of Agriculture , local authorities and demands all along the line , appals .
29 I was terrified out of my wits at the very idea .
30 Indeed , the very idea of a major structure or grid into which leys have to fit says more about our own cultural environment than the reality of the landscape .
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