Example sentences of "the first known " in BNC.

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1 The first known use of carburisation and quenching of iron dates back to the eleventh and tenth centuries BC in Cyprus and Palestine .
2 The crew fell ill with radiation sickness and after six months , despite intensive care , the radio operator died , the first known victim of the H-bomb .
3 He had women not only in his church choir ( it is the first known instance ) but also in too close association with the life and pastoral work of the clergy .
4 They are the first known lords of the manor of Cosmeston and gave their name to the village , Costentinstune ( the place of the Costentins ) .
5 The first known inhabitants of Italy lived around a quarter of a million years ago , when the country was mostly inhabited by elephants and rhinoceroses .
6 They were the first known tamers of animals .
7 The peak was marked by Ptolemy , Egyptian geographer and astronomer , on the first known map of the British Isles ; and it was here , in 1774 , that Nevil Maskelyne , Astronomer Royal , conducted his experiments to determine the mean density of planet earth .
8 Kenneth Baker , the first known Home Secretary to acquire a criminal record while in office , for illegally sending a Zairean refugee back to Zaire .
9 Surprisingly this does not conform to Egyptian conventions for depicting Semites or Nubians and their dress suggests that they are the first known representation in Egyptian art of the Mycenaeans , Bronze Age Greeks .
10 Bazaine has pointed to the existence of the red robe in the first known copy of the painting , made in 1607 , nineteen years after Veronese 's death , and the fact that the red was a focal point in the composition .
11 A spokesman for the Sri Lankan government in London told Action that this is the first known attempt anywhere in the world to translate the values of the New World Information and Communication Order into a legal form on a national scale .
12 His unsigned handbills addressed ‘ to the married of both sexes ’ both ‘ in Genteel life ’ and ‘ of the Working People ’ , distributed from London to Manchester in 1823 , constitute the first known birth control publicity .
13 Above all he was the first known troubadour and , as such , a key figure in the history of European literature .
14 By consistently applying quantum mechanics to Maxwell 's theory of the electromagnetic field he constructed the first known specimen of a quantum field theory .
15 The first known students of language in the Western tradition , the scholars of Greece and Rome , were aware of these different approaches too , and divided grammar from rhetoric , the former being concerned with the rules of language as an isolated object , the latter with how to do things with words , to achieve effects , and communicate successfully with people in particular contexts .
16 Although there have been several since , he is the first known Westerner to have been eaten by a Komodo Dragon .
17 The first known mazes ( in Syria and Sardinia ) date back some 4,000 years .
18 So says Charles Munn , who made the first known sighting of this small parrot in 1985 , at clay-eating cliff in Peru 's Manu National Park .
19 At the same time he also became the first known clerk of Parliament and thus was responsible for beginning the compilation of the rolls of Parliament .
20 He is described on his monument at Wollaton as ‘ architector and survayor unto the most worthy house of Wollaton , and diverse others of great account ’ ; this is the first known occasion on which he was called an architect , a term and function then still only in embryo in England .
21 Although fingerprinting was not officially adopted in India until 1897 it was Herschel who , when a magistrate in Hooghly in 1877–8 , instituted the first known system .
22 The first known observations of Venus through a telescope were made by Galileo in 1610 .
23 The Composite Order is used , the first known example of this ( 97 ) .
24 Goda , a Devonshire thegn , was evidently killed in a fierce battle resisting the latter attack , and 991 saw the defeat of an army under Ealdorman Brihtnoth of Essex at Maldon , and the first known payment of tribute — £10,000 .
25 The recorded history of the country goes back 5000 years to the first known pharaohs ; and though for 2000 years there had been waves of invaders bringing one foreign ruler after another , for most of the peasants ( the fellahin ) life continued much as it had for centuries , regulated as much by the Nile and the miracle of its annual flood , as by successive new masters .
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