Example sentences of "the big boys " in BNC.

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1 He did not even care when the teachers stared and some of the bigger boys made rude jokes about her shapely legs and body .
2 Some of the bigger boys still called him ‘ Little Shit-Legs ’ and held their noses when he came near .
3 Two of the bigger boys from Thorpe Street had once tried to outswing him for a dare , but Barry Lock had turned chicken at the last minute and Valance Fraser , who fancied himself as the cock of the street , had managed only a partial swing that left him dangling by his arms in the dirt .
4 The children at the village school eyed the blank windows speculatively , and the bigger boys fingered the catapults hidden in their pockets , longing to pick up pebbles and let fly at this beautiful sitting target .
5 Just think , if Magnus and I went back to school in boots instead of those horrible lace-up shoes , the big boys would have to watch out .
6 Owners should make up for any lost socialising time with large dogs because , while lack of socialisation can mean problems for any dog , the big boys are that much more of a handful in later life .
7 ‘ Clubs will get on the box , ’ he says , ‘ if they are doing well and at home to one of the big boys .
8 THE big boys were expecting an easy day on Sunday .
9 It did n't require much capital to manufacture the equipment or produce the short films , and for some time it was possible for small craftsmen on the British model to keep up with the big boys in France or the US .
10 I chose my family , and just waited for the big boys to come up to the Birkdale area .
11 Although I do agree with some of his points — the need for more public courses and more emphasis put on rules of etiquette — I was somewhat alarmed to read that in the interests of quicker play , we high-handicappers were being relegated to a boring , 9-hole course until we improve our game enough to join ‘ the big boys on the big-boys ’ course ’ .
12 It is poised to channel a massive £450m into the insurance company in a move that hints that the competition is getting fiercer and that only the big boys will survive .
13 FORMER army sergeant Mickey Spencer should be doing 100 press-ups this morning after fluffing Yeovil 's best chance to join the big boys in the FA Cup third round .
14 It is no coincidence that in the current recession , the big boys have been active again , though with mixed success .
15 ‘ If we want to be up there with the big boys then let's study and use their tactics . ’
16 But the big boys earning the best return on their assets so far are GEC , BTR , Unilever , Marks and Spencer , and Sainsbury .
17 BUDGENS , Londis and a host of smaller supermarket chains are ganging together to beat the big boys at their own game .
18 Only a few sports eventually get to bathe with the big boys in the glow of the Olympic flame , synchronised swimming being a recent one to do so .
19 Let's hope that UEFA remember there must never be one rule for the big boys and another for the rest .
20 DALTON Grant , Britain 's high jumper who threatened to ‘ make the big boys sweat in Barcelona ’ flopped out and could only reach 2.15 metres — near the bottom of the list .
21 MINI MARVEL Lyric Fantasy blitzed the big boys at York yesterday as Richard Hannon set out to win the trainer 's title in one hit .
22 The big boys tried to make me feel at home by taking me to the greasy spoon for a pie but what did I care for food as the table rang with drug quips and acerbic one-liners about Danielle Dax from Gavin Martin , James Brown and Danny Kelly .
23 They appeared to have one law for the big boys and another for the minnows .
24 All these setbacks did n't matter , old chap , because the referee only has eyes for the big boys .
25 ‘ That season ’ , he reckons , ‘ I discovered I had something to offer ; that I could play with the big boys .
26 It 's only four months since I got one of the big boys from the Sardinian gang that operates here . ’
27 One or a hundred , the big boys would still go up . ’
28 The problem with the big boys , he reckons , is they believe customers already equate their name with quality , which is not necessarily true .
29 Bringing the big boys in under a UN flag is exposing a clash of styles ; they tend to have their own way of doing things and there is pressure on the organisation to conform .
30 Is there a future for the small producer , or have the big boys take the market ?
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