Example sentences of "the 1971 act " in BNC.

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1 The 1971 Act finally put an end to black people settling in Britain by putting all incoming Commonwealth Citizens on a par with ‘ aliens ’ .
2 The 1971 Act has also added new conditions which further weaken black workers — people can now be deported on grounds of ‘ general undesirability ’ , and ‘ illegal immigrants ’ can be removed without a hearing .
3 In fact , in regard to whom it allowed free entry into Britain , the 1971 Act differed mainly in the words used .
4 For example , the 1971 Act prevents single mothers from bringing their children into Britain unless they can prove sole responsibility ; and a woman can never be regarded a ‘ head of a household ’ unless her husband is mentally or physically handicapped .
5 Special schools for mentally handicapped children now exist throughout Prior to the 1971 Act , the education of mentally handicapped children was governed by legislation dating from 1944 , which advocated a selective procedure to determine which children were considered educable and which were not .
6 Alternatively , where an existing use gives rise to a serious odour problem a local authority may wish to issue a Discontinuance Order under s.51 of the 1971 Act .
7 Consequently there appears no reason why regulations could not be included in such an agreement which prevent or restrict odour emissions , particularly as the 1971 Act provides that a local planning authority may take into account the ‘ improvement of the physical environment ’ .
8 The crux of the case was a legal argument about whether the phrases ‘ products and substances ’ in the 1971 act , which are not defined , include the mushrooms .
9 Alterations to a building not materially affecting the external appearance of the building , agricultural operations and the resumption of a former lawful planning use at the end of a temporary planning consent are excluded from the definition of the 1971 Act .
10 A number of acts of development are granted consent by two Statutory Instruments issued under the 1971 Act .
11 They also have the power to impose conditions ; but that power , whilst not fettered by the words in the 1971 Act , is constrained by legal decision .
12 The 1971 Act provides that all permissions must have conditions relating to the time within which the development must be started and approval of reserve matters sought .
13 A potential developer can find out whether the ‘ development ’ that he intends to carry out requires consent by an application under Section 53 of the 1971 Act .
14 The rights are set out in the Eighth Schedule to the 1971 Act and are divided into two parts : Part I allows for the full rebuilding of any building and Part II for its extension .
15 Such arrangements are usually called ‘ Section 52 agreements ’ , in reference to the 1971 Act .
16 Since the 1971 Act , most immigrants have needed work permits and these have been granted mostly for work in those industries like the health service and hotels , where there is a shortage of domestic workers .
17 The 1971 Act also effectively discriminated against black workers by the introduction of the concept of ‘ patrials ’ , which was intended to distinguish persons with close ties to Britain from those without and give them the right to reside in Britain .
18 The Trust is fortunate that its regional structure was conceived and laid down in the 1971 Act of Parliament .
19 Apart from the fact that the 1971 Act has been superseded by the 1990 Act , it is likely that this definition will also be extended to include any or all of the following Acts :
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