Example sentences of "the 1995 world " in BNC.

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1 ROBERT NORSTER , the Welsh team manager , and national coach Alan Davies have been invited by the Welsh Rugby Union to continue in their roles through the next three Five Nations campaigns and up to and including the 1995 World Cup .
2 MANCHESTER has been chosen to stage the 1995 World Transplant Games , which are expected to attract more than 2,000 athletes from 40 countries .
3 Davies , who was recruited last August by Wales , was last week confirmed as national coach up to and including the 1995 World Cup .
4 IT HAS not been much of a week for Welsh politicians because the country 's resounding rejection of Mr Neil Kinnock has been followed by the decision of the International Rugby Board to ignore the reservations expressed by the Welsh Rugby Union and to hold the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
5 There has been a fair amount of half-hearted canvassing by Wales to try to persuade members of other unions that South Africa is not really stable enough as a country to host the 1995 World Cup .
6 They were thinking , like Berbizier , of building for the 1995 World Cup , but now they realise that confidence comes from getting your senior players right and winning each game as it comes along .
7 Their decisions , together with the previously announced siting of the 1995 World Cup in South Africa , became the principal business of the Board 's annual meeting , which ended here yesterday .
8 With their eyes on entering the 1995 World Cup qualifiers in the Asia/Pacific Zone ( the top two teams in September 's tournament will automatically qualify ) Taiwan are pinning their hopes on a two-week visit to Wellington , New Zealand .
9 WITH respect to the 1995 World Cup , there must already be sad voices at Rugby World & Post muttering ‘ I told you so ’ .
10 Whilst the nation is still at war with itself , whilst the security forces stand accused of supporting Inkatha members in attacks on the ANC at Boipatong , now , as Mick Cleary asked in RW&P in January , ‘ can anyone say ( now ) that there will be no violent backdrop to the 1995 World Cup ? ’
11 The problem is that while some commercial interests made a healthy profit from the '91 World Cup it failed to produce enough RWC cash to underwrite the Catania tournament , let alone the qualifying tournaments for the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
12 Mr. Gloag revealed that The Famous Grouse has expressed an interest in sponsoring the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
13 Meanwhile , Wales will not know the countries they must meet in the qualifying stage of the 1995 World Cup until next month .
14 ENGLISH cricket fans are set to pay the price for political blunders at Lord 's when the crucial vote is taken in February on the venue for the 1995 World Cup .
15 OFFICIALS at Lord 's were last night insistent they can win the right to stage the 1995 World Cup despite fierce opposition from Pakistan , India and Sri Lanka .
16 In February , England will be pitted against the Indians , Pakistan and Sri Lanka and their equally volatile neighbours from Pakistan and Sri Lanka in the bidding for the right to stage the 1995 World Cup .
17 South Africa should be given the 1995 World Cup without batting an eyelid .
18 South Africa is in a state of social and political flux as it enters a new non-racial era — yet it is still the favoured venue to host the 1995 World Cup .
19 Within a few days the whispers had become a roar — South Africa for the 1995 World Cup .
20 Can anyone really put their hand on their heart and say that there will be no violent backdrop to the 1995 World Cup ?
21 Secretary of the International Rugby Board , KEITH ROWLANDS , sets out the criteria by which the organisers will determine next April who is to host the 1995 World Cup .
22 Over the next few years leading up to the 1995 World Cup there 'll be plenty of time to slot in replacements as they are needed — particularly to the front-five where Jason Leonard will probably be the only one available for the next tournament .
23 As for rugby … well , nothing quite so glaring , yet still enough to provoke a creeping unease about affairs at the highest international level , whether it concerns incomplete accounts for the 1987 World Cup ; unfulfilled profit projections , by a huge margin , with disturbing outline accounts emanating from the 1991 event ; and what seem to be , at the time of writing , so many unanswered questions about the 1995 World Cup .
24 They are about South Africa 's suitability as the hosts of the 1995 World Cup and by implication the role of sport , and rugby in particular , in the economic and political future of the country .
25 Much as I would love to see the 1995 World Cup help to kickstart the South African economy as overseas visitors pour in to fill impressive stadia and savour the beauty of the land , the facts are that as things stand rugby will be used as a political pawn .
26 Several leading Australian rugby identities have raised doubts about South Africa 's ability to stage the 1995 World Cup .
27 Farr-Jones said South Africa needed vastly to improve its infrastructure to handle the pressures of the 1995 World Cup .
28 ‘ In my opinion they ca n't stage the 1995 World Cup .
29 But the biggest catch of all , the 1995 World Cup , may have slipped off South Africa 's hook .
30 They have made a strong bid for the 1995 World Cup with only NZ in opposition .
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