Example sentences of "the commons yesterday " in BNC.

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1 The Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson , assured the Commons yesterday that financial considerations would not stand in the way of implementing Sir Anthony Hidden 's 93 recommendations .
2 Mr Parkinson told the Commons yesterday that BR would be given three months to report on its progress .
3 THE Lawson affair rumbled on in the Commons yesterday with the Labour leader , Mr Neil Kinnock , asking the Prime Minister why she did not ‘ tell the truth ’ when she was asked why the former Chancellor of the Exchequer resigned by television interviewer Brian Walden .
4 MR CECIL Parkinson , the Transport Secretary , gave an assurance to the Commons yesterday that financial considerations would not stand in the way of implementing recommendations of the Clapham disaster report .
5 He Mr Parkinson indicated in the Commons yesterday that Road pricing , a form of ‘ smart card ’ payment to drive through popular parts of London , would be impractical , and impinge on individual freedom .
6 A bill to privatise the agency received its second reading in the Commons yesterday .
7 PRIVATISATION of the Crown Suppliers will go ahead quickly once Parliament has passed the enabling bill which received its second reading yesterday , the Environment Secretary , Mr Chris Patten , told the Commons yesterday .
8 The Prime Minister gave no hint during her performance in the Commons yesterday that her language at Strasbourg will be any less caustic than the manner she has adopted at recent Commonwealth summits .
9 THE Health Secretary , Mr Kenneth Clarke , denied in the Commons yesterday that his new NHS and Community Care Bill was a first step towards privatisation and accused his critics of trying to ‘ scare the life ’ out of patients .
10 The Prime Minister gave no hint during her performance in the Commons yesterday that her language at Strasbourg will be any less caustic than the manner she has adopted at recent Commonwealth summits .
11 COCAINE seizures by Customs have gone up by 50 per cent this year , Home Office minister Mr David Mellor told the Commons yesterday during a debate on the misuse of drugs .
12 Although she backed the plan to ‘ keep Hong Kong prosperous ’ until 1997 in the Commons yesterday , she let the Cabinet know she was displeased by the row .
13 Although she backed the plan to ‘ keep Hong Kong prosperous ’ until 1997 in the Commons yesterday , she let the Cabinet know she was displeased by the row .
14 Mr MacGregor rejected Opposition charges that the Government 's plans had been torpedoed by the banks ' withdrawal when he made a statement to the Commons yesterday .
15 Employment Minister Michael Forsyth told the Commons yesterday that May Day is to be scrapped .
16 The inquiry will start immediately , with a full report expected inside three months , Heritage Secretary Peter Brooke told the Commons yesterday .
17 He admitted his difficulties in the Commons yesterday , describing the forthcoming negotiations as ‘ very complex ’ .
18 Ulster Secretary Peter Brooke said in the Commons yesterday that Whitehall 's examination of the application for 400 more officers was in its final stages .
19 So that is what he did in the Commons yesterday as he launched the Maastricht debate , not realising the only relevant list was the one to starboard as his Government had been holed below the waterline .
20 But Mr Major told the Commons yesterday : ‘ The passage of the Maastricht Bill is a matter for the British Parliament and for the British Government . ’
21 Mr Major told the Commons yesterday : ‘ The passage of the Maastricht Bill is a matter for the British Parliament and the Government . ’
22 If it is a hit , it will go nationwide , Charter minister William Waldegrave told the Commons yesterday .
23 THE BBC 's new director general John Birt should repay ‘ all the tax avoided ’ when he was paid as a freelance consultant , the Prime Minister was told in the Commons yesterday .
24 A LABOUR backbencher brandished a foot-long knife in the Commons yesterday as he demanded tougher laws against carrying weapons in Scotland .
25 YOU only had to walk into the members ' lobby of the Commons yesterday to know what you 'd suspected for days .
26 Of the two Johns in the Commons yesterday , only one looked like a Prime Minister .
27 TWO ESSEX MPs clashed in the Commons yesterday over the likely impact on the south of the county of the proposed high speed Channel Tunnel rail link .
28 Mr MacKinlay told the Commons yesterday : ‘ It is a route that has been chosen to protect the Conservative Party . ’
29 Mr Paisley said he had taken up an invitation from Miss Boothroyd to raise his concerns after an unsuccessful request by Upper Bann MP David Trimble for an urgent debate in the Commons yesterday .
30 No doubt he will be giving the point more thought after being assailed in the Commons yesterday over the behaviour of his Northern Ireland minister , Michael Mates .
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