Example sentences of "she handed over " in BNC.

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1 She handed over a pink-tissued shape dripping with silver bows and gaudy ribbons .
2 Within moments I had decided to strip her to her expensive banker 's underclothing , lash her to a Quattrocento day-bed with fur-lined leather manacles , and whip her with unimaginable delicacy until she handed over a full power of attorney and yielded herself totally in a frenzy of self-abnegation .
3 The greying gunman pulled the weapon out of a carrier bag and threatened to shoot a cashier unless she handed over money .
4 The greying gunman pulled the weapon out of a carrier bag and threatened to shoot a cashier unless she handed over money .
5 She handed over the pawn ticket .
6 They took her to her stall in the market , demanding she handed over the arms and propaganda they accused her of storing there .
7 She handed over a small metal cylinder .
8 She handed over a neatly wrapped ‘ mixed bunch ’ to one customer , with a chatty , ‘ Here you are , love , ’ and moved swiftly on to the next .
9 She handed over the small package , and then ran her gaze once more over the chaos in the office .
10 However , long before Merrill reached London she regained her composure , and she handed over Luke 's passport without a blink , seeing no necessity to tell him that she 'd had to search his house for it .
11 Kate queried as she handed over her notes .
12 She handed over her bag of vegetables , which Meg put away in the kitchen without examining .
13 She handed over the numbers , and said goodbye .
14 She handed over the corkscrew .
15 Lindsey smiled sympathetically as she handed over a prescription .
16 She handed over another bottle , frowning thoughtfully .
17 She handed over several pages of tightly worded copy , the last page of which had a seven on the top .
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