Example sentences of "as regards [art] " in BNC.

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1 While the information is correct as regards a growing number of employers ' occupational pension schemes , it does not apply to the basic State pension .
2 It appears , however , from the case law of the court ( see , as regards a convention concluded after the entry into force of the E.E.C .
3 ( 2 ) A licensing board shall not make any arrangements under subsection ( 1 ) above for the discharge of any of the following functions : ( a ) making a decision on the application for the grant , including the provisional grant , of a new licence ; ( b ) making a decision on an application for the renewal of a licence where a competent objection has been lodged ; making a decision to refuse to grant the renewal of a licence ; making a decision on the permanent transfer of a licence ; ( c ) making a decision on an application for a regular extension of permitted hours ; ( d ) making a decision on the restriction of the terminal permitted hour ; making a decision on an application for restoration of restricted hours ; ( e ) making a decision on an application for Sunday opening under Part 1 of Schedule 4 to this Act other than an application and 13 of that Schedule where no objection is made in relation to the application ; ( f ) making a decision as regards a Sunday restriction order or the revocation of such an order under Part II of Schedule 4 to this Act ; making a decision on the suspension of a licence ; making a decision on a closure order .
4 As regards a man , for example :
5 There is no requirement for knowledge as regards a product and , therefore , in the absence of a defence , liability for infringement is strict .
6 This word works well as a hedge as regards a passing topic ( e.g. " this is arguably also the case in Aphra Behn 's other works …
7 The court held that this was a breach of the Convention guarantee of free speech , because it would deter journalists from contributing to public discussions of issues affecting the life of the community : " The limits of acceptable criticism are wider as regards a politician as such than as regards a private individual … the former inevitably and knowingly lays himself open to close scrutiny of his every word and deed by both journalists and the public at large , and he must consequently display a greater degree of tolerance . "
8 The court held that this was a breach of the Convention guarantee of free speech , because it would deter journalists from contributing to public discussions of issues affecting the life of the community : " The limits of acceptable criticism are wider as regards a politician as such than as regards a private individual … the former inevitably and knowingly lays himself open to close scrutiny of his every word and deed by both journalists and the public at large , and he must consequently display a greater degree of tolerance . "
9 Erm as regards a caravan I spoke to this bloke Frank
10 He submitted that it was quite clear that the FPC reached a considered decision as what it found to be the proper level of use of the deputising service consistently with maintaining the doctor 's primary responsibility and as regards the need to maintain the standards of the deputising service efficiently and consistently with that obligation .
11 No more Tube , no more of your favourite bands on the telly , another dark age as regards the media .
12 As regards the real estate of the deceased , it is settled by the end of the thirteenth century that he can make no will , except where there is a local custom to that effect .
13 The limited ‘ defence ’ of mistake about the girl 's age , available to young men under 24 , was explained above , and the reason for creating such a limited ‘ defence ’ is that in general it has been held that the crime does not require any fault element as regards the girl 's age .
14 As regards the substantial outside assistance to the Western Isles , one wonders whether a small part of it might not usefully be redirected to subsidising the high costs of transport between them and the mainland .
15 As regards the nature of the referrals dealt with , Table 2 offers a breakdown of the information received at the point of referral and recorded on the Society 's initial referral form .
16 As regards the possibility of sanctions on member states , Collins said that the Community views financial sanctions as an important potential weapon .
17 Plastics are not the villain they are made out to be as regards the volume of waste .
18 However , it did not prevent , in the winter of 1921–2 , an appalling famine afflicting the southern districts of the Ukraine , ‘ the worst ’ , a League of Nations report declared , ‘ both as regards the numbers affected and as regards the mortality from starvation and disease which has occurred in Europe in modern times ’ .
19 However , it did not prevent , in the winter of 1921–2 , an appalling famine afflicting the southern districts of the Ukraine , ‘ the worst ’ , a League of Nations report declared , ‘ both as regards the numbers affected and as regards the mortality from starvation and disease which has occurred in Europe in modern times ’ .
20 As regards the physical limitations in food supplies , there seems to be general scientific agreement that this does not constitute the real constraint … the vague counter argument that more intensive cultivation will ruin the soil is hardly convincing in view of the fact that soil has been farmed with increasing intensity in Western Europe for about 2000 years and there is still no sign that it is exhausted .
21 As regards the treatment and follow-up of cases of syphilis , the French , like the Italians , mostly subscribe to a ‘ continental ’ approach .
22 As regards the first of these , the most important statute was the Public Order Act 1936 .
23 As regards the cyclical view , Momigliano says that the principal upholder of it in Greek historiography was Polybius ( c .
24 As regards the numbering of their years , the Jews used the same era as the Seleucids of Syria from the time they came under their rule , in the second century BC , until the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD .
25 As regards the concept of time , the poem is remarkable for its modern point of view : ‘ Similarly , time by itself does not exist ; but from things themselves there results a sense of what has already taken place , what is now going on and what is to ensue .
26 As regards the theoretical and philosophical analysis of time , the most important and original contribution of medieval Islamic thinkers was their theory of discontinuous , or atomistic , time .
27 As regards the philosophical concept of time , according to Needham , the Mohist school ( followers of the philosopher Mo Ti in the fifth century BC ) was inclined to temporal atomicity , although the hypothesis of material atomism never played any significant role in Chinese thought , which was wedded to the idea of the continuum .
28 For psychologists would rate as a very important factor in sex determination the role a person plays and seeks to play , and the image that the person may have as regards the sex he or she belongs to .
29 Furthermore , as regards the former suggestion , a new institution analogous to , but not the same as , marriage , would lack the very special connotations inextricably involved in the marriage union of two people who feel strongly for each other and desire to bear witness to this feeling to the world .
30 We need to think very carefully about preventive strategies , particularly as regards the prediction and detection of , for example , peri-ventricular haemorrhage in the case of VLBW babies .
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