Example sentences of "they share the " in BNC.

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1 Married women may sometimes feel that they share the Izzat of their family but they are aware that in reality Izzat belongs to the men of the family .
2 But on the specific question of ‘ showing ’ one 's legs , after talking to Muslim girls in Bradford and London I feel convinced that they share the views of their parents .
3 Although the flats are very compact , generally following the standards laid down for this type of housing in DoE Design Bulletin 29 , they share the facilities of a jetty on to the river , and a roof-top conservatory and roof garden , all of which were made possible by a £200,000 grant from the Historic Buildings Council .
4 They share the conventional wisdom of the nuclear lobby that what has stopped America 's nuclear industry in its tracks is what the NES calls an ‘ impossibly cumbersome nuclear licensing process ’ — of a kind that pro-nuclear countries like France do not allow .
5 But it is more likely that , while they provide reasons for different things , they share the same basic structure .
6 It was Paula who had insisted they share the suite against all Tweed 's objections .
7 Our own genes cooperate with one another , not because they are our own but because they share the same outlet — sperm or egg — into the future .
8 A married couple who are sexually compatible ought to score 3 out of 4 , and if they share the same hobbies , it 's a jackpot .
9 Reliable domestiques are the stars ' most valued comrades — and by long tradition they share the stars ' winnings .
10 Like most butterflies they share the same basic life cycle .
11 They share the same middle name .
12 Works such as ‘ Human Bondage ’ evoke emblems of the right-wing like swastikas and Union Jacks , while in ‘ Paki ’ and ‘ Here And There ’ there is a disturbingly ambiguous relationship between the artists and the black and Asian subjects they share the photos with .
13 In many great collections , you can tell that all the items are related , by the way they share the same style of presentation .
14 They share the fact that they have all been of limited duration but , within that framework , one has been concerned with local skills training , four have involved modules contained within honours degree courses ( Typography and Graphic Communication , Library Science , Publishing and Computer Science respectively ) and one has been at postgraduate level .
15 Legend has it that , during the obligatory pre-signing wine and dine sesh , The ‘ Weed boys insisted they share the food , as there was more on one plate than they 'd ever seen before .
16 They share the essential goal of Christian unity
17 They share the essential goal of Christian unity .
18 Heavily scented , they share the parentage with another scented Chinese species of the Hybrid Tea .
19 They even appear on Nashville 's Grand Ole Opry , the live radio show that has run weekly since 1925 , where they share the stage with revered old-timers .
20 They share the large pool with bar at the Giordano , where discos and pizza parties are held end of July to mid-Sept .
21 So understood , they share the idea that we , or many of us , take effects to be no more than probable events .
22 Theorem XIV — If two matrices A , B permute , then provided at least one is non-defective , they share the same modal matrix .
23 A belief in a directly evident proposition is not quite the same as an infallible belief , but they share the characteristic with which we are here concerned , that all of them are true .
24 Successful compromises are rare in philosophy , because often they share the defects of both extremes with the virtues of neither .
25 There is little the four-year-old child can tell his or her parents that they do not know already , for they share the child 's world almost entirely .
26 They share the same values , follow the same norms and play a variety of roles , adopting the appropriate behaviour for each .
27 Although they share the same chemical composition and crystal form , emerald is by far the more valuable .
28 Unlike many medical professionals , they share the ideological and social world of the people they treat .
29 My Apple Snails are happy in unplanted tanks of large barbs , where they share the fish 's diet ; and in my cichlid tanks — even big Oscars do not harm large Apple Snails .
30 The aged , like any other group , have special needs that arise because they are aged , but they share the basic needs of all human beings .
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