Example sentences of "the [noun sg] creates " in BNC.

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1 The addition creates a new strength for us in American nineteenth-century genre painting ’ , says Ms Neill .
2 In another case it will mean that the writer creates his own special kind of language : and it is in this sense that Halliday applies it to the Neanderthal language of The Inheritors .
3 The milk creates a more balanced bacterial environment in the gut , and children of six or seven who were breastfed as babies are less likely to succumb to urinary infections than their bottlefed brothers and sisters .
4 The decision creates a distinction between dishonesty in s.2(1) and dishonesty outside of it .
5 The Chapman family who have run the hotel for the past 40 years have kept the decor in keeping with the atmosphere the building creates .
6 The authority examine the building for the purpose of determining whether the structure or the use of the building creates undue risk .
7 As a result , Brown says , on the desktop , where the user creates many small files and receives mail messages , the fragmentation will consume a disproportionate amount of disk space .
8 The user creates the pages by manipulating this information so as to make it pleasing to the eye , informative , amusing , or whatever effect is required .
9 Unlike products and clients , the user creates an unique identifier for an issue .
10 That all this should have disappeared from the politics of the west creates deep unease at the elision of so many vital questions .
11 The axiom which the creed creates takes the believer back millions of years beyond the period of controversial claims of ‘ revelation ’ by a ‘ god ’ who created all the universe .
12 The subsection creates an obligation to consult the judiciary , not to be governed by their opinion , which amounts to no more than advice .
13 It denotes an illness in which the action of the mind creates a damaging reaction in the body , with physical symptoms that can be observed or measured .
14 A patterning system like the mind creates patterns which we then continue to use .
15 The procedures followed in the very different circumstances that arise from the electoral defeat of the party in power are inevitably simpler , provided that the result creates a viable situation for the majority party .
16 ‘ The right to recovery after a demand colore officii rests upon the assumption that the position occupied by the defendant creates virtual compulsion , where it conveys to the person paying , the knowledge or belief that he has no means of escape from payment strictly so called if he wishes to avert injury to or deprivation of some right to which he is entitled without such payment .
17 The result is that the monarchy is immediately , and rationally , justified , when it is implied that the institution creates wealth or nationality .
18 The second exception is where the statute creates a public right … and a particular member of the public suffers … particular , direct and substantial damage other and different from that which was common to all the rest of the public .
19 The rule creates a series ; 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 … and at each step in the series there is an objectively correct answer as to how to go on .
20 It is not that the nature of the sensation can create a rule ; the rule creates a nature for the sensation , by enabling us to conceive of ways in which this sensation might resemble others .
21 The legislature creates a rather abstract mandate and an agency to implement it , while only defining explicitly the offences which give rise to prosecution .
22 Males taking on all roles in the home creates healthy role models .
23 Once you have understood how the machine creates slip , tuck and knit stitches , the rest is just a progression of these , involving very little more than using the electronic pattern selection .
24 The syuzhet creates a defamiliarizing effect on the fabula ; the devices of the ryuzhet are not designed as instruments for conveying the fabula , but are foregrounded at the expense of the fabula .
25 Air steward Trevor is just one of nine guises the comedienne creates for her £750,000 British comeback , Tracey Ullman : A Class Act .
26 The Act creates a Supervisory Authority , and sets out the provisions for setting up a stock exchange and for the public dealing with securities .
27 The Act creates a statutory right of action for damages , where injury or damage has been caused in breach of a duty .
28 Section 5 of the Act creates a relatively minor offence which is likely to be of considerable practical significance .
29 The Act creates several offences , all of which are committed by organisation , participation or incitement in a controlled or banned procession , or controlled meeting in breach of the conditions imposed .
30 The Act creates six offences , all of which involve the use of language or material that is ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting , ’ each of which will be considered in turn .
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