Example sentences of "set against [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To set against this trend , however , there was much evidence to support the view that the public continued to look to government for assistance .
2 Set against this picture and parallel to the theory that accompanies and supports it is the idea of the possibility of order as a creation of social instruments ordained for that very task , namely teachers , police , social workers , and perhaps , in the last resort , parents .
3 ‘ During wind and rain ’ , in which memories of the past are set against present reality through contrasting images and metres , is one of the greatest of them ; but ‘ The oxen ’ , inspired by his nostalgia for the traditions of Christianity , is perhaps the most popular .
4 If the work of the SDPP is taken alongside that of another team on school management , the School Management Task Force ( DES 1990a ) , the benefit emerges of seeing how detailed proposals for management and review penetrate deep into the daily work of the school and how that detail can be set in the larger context of characteristics ( thirteen in number ) of effective schools ( DES 1990a : 5-6 ) , set against six management tasks which are regarded as having high priority following the 1988 Act .
5 His signature subjects a table carefully laid with talismanic objects , portraits of subjects in period dress , and figures ( now recognisably present day ) standing in enigmatic relationship to one another are set against flat chequerboard backgrounds of piercing primary and secondary colour .
6 The income to pay these video costs is usually minimal with new artists , so these expenses are often set against future video exploitation .
7 There were cabinets set against one wall , each filled with photos and biographical details from figures in history and the media , politics and sport — everyone from Clement Attlee to the Greek god Zeus .
8 Losses incurred by sole traders or partnerships can be set against other income in that fiscal year , or carried back for up to three fiscal years depending on the circumstances .
9 What happens in many of the significant films that emerge after the war is that the claims of the community and the individual are set against each other , bringing together Ealing realism and Gainsborough melodrama in a tremendously fruitful , if brief and explosive , relationship .
10 Socially , sodomy was repeatedly equated with heresy and political treason ; metaphysically , it was conceived as ‘ sexual contusion in whatever form ’ , a ‘ force of anarchic disorder set against divine Creation ’ , not a part of the created order but an aspect of its dissolution .
11 The formal legal framework of central-local relations needs to be set against actual working relationships .
12 Like the white rose of York , another Alba , ‘ Country Living ’ is a perfect rosette of small blush-pink petals with a speck of green at its heart , set against dark-green foliage .
13 Total claims from spending departments were set against expected growth targets in the economy to check their feasibility .
14 Surplus ACT is , usually , in the first instance , set against deferred tax liabilities ( bearing in mind the profits restriction on set off ) .
15 This chapter will , therefore , examine the ways in which the early Christians were conscious of the Spirit 's presence in their community ; the next four chapters will glance at some of our contemporary problems concerning the Spirit in the Church , when set against this back ground .
16 Inevitably , however , pain will sometimes need to be inflicted , and in the absence of anaesthetic , which must be set against this point .
17 Everyone , whether male or female , single or married , now receives their own Personal allowance , which can be set against any income including savings or a pension as well as earned income .
18 So ninety one ninety two a married woman was entitled to a basic personal allowance of three four four five which could be set against any income erm or investment .
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