Example sentences of "set on [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As one participant has suggested , the first intellectual task is to set on one side an archaeology of knowledge which has served us well for at least three centuries .
2 In the United States 35 states have legislation requiring all hospitals to provide a standard data set on each patient treated .
3 Stone funerary beds are set on each side of the main chamber .
4 Her sights are set on international competition .
5 The plain exterior circular walls partly supported the covering conical roof but , inside , six columns set on elliptical plan , assisted in this support .
6 Accommodation and compromise have not characterized the recent history of the DUP , despite journalists ' frequent attempts to portray Paisley as a man sufficiently set on personal power to be willing to compromise to achieve it .
7 The aircraft was set on automatic pilot , leaving Vologsky little more than a passenger for the time being .
8 This is set on one side to start again after emptying out your reward , the valuable compost .
9 If , as we believe to be the case , powers are being so exercised , then the issue of constitutional legitimacy which arises is quite simple : what is the value or use of a constitution based on and designed to ensure the maintenance of a system of limited government if it can , quite lawfully and even constitutionally , be set on one side ?
10 Bulstrode Whitelocke , English ambassador there in 1653 – 54 , was given £2,500 worth of the metal which was eventually cast into guns for the navy ( though he also received a miniature of Queen Christina in a diamond setting and the heir to the throne , the future Charles X , gave him a gold box set on one side with diamonds and with Charles 's portrait on the other ) .
11 Traditionally these courses are for the more able , particularly those with their sights set on higher education .
12 Type is often set with extra space ; eg 9 point set on 10 point .
13 His will is set on continuous war . ’
14 Carl Llewellyn , again riding Party Politics , has his sights set on Red Rum 's record of three Grand National victories .
15 Matters came to a head when Anthony Coburn delivered his second storyline , a science fiction adventure set on thirtieth-century Earth , titled simply ‘ The Robots ’ .
16 With the USA , in the long term , set on irreversible decline the question is whether Japan or Europe can replace it as the world 's leading economy .
17 After all , he reminded himself , he was Prior William now and had his eye set on further promotion .
18 When you decide to get married , fix yourself up with someone of the old school , not one of those feminist flibbertigibbets of the kind Jim and I have landed ourselves with — undomesticated , never there , eyes set on further career mountains to be climbed .
19 Kylie however has her sights set on another star , and another decade , the 1940s .
20 The point , though , is that Neath never asked to be set on this pedestal .
21 By adopting this methodical approach you should avoid the pitfalls and successfully answer any questions set on this subject .
22 ( a ) Aldeburgh Birthplace of the 18th-century poet George Crabbe and the home of Benjamin Britten , whose opera Peter Grimes , set on this coast , was based on a character in Crabbe 's poem The Borough .
23 This tale of smugglers , murder and romance was set on this piece of coast and many of the places and people from the book have been commemorated in the names of streets and new houses built in the area .
24 Your uncle must be years and years older than she is , and anyway , I rather gathered she 'd got her sights set on some fellow whose name she would n't tell me .
25 Entry then became based on financial rather than medical or social assessment , and in 1983 upper limits were set on supplementary benefit , resulting in a massive increase in the total national bill for supplementary benefits to people in private sector homes — from £105m in 1983 to £500m by 1986 .
26 Overall the study considers that a low price is set on unfair deprivation of a job and that unfair dismissal compensation has little deterrent value for most employers wishing to dispense with the services of employees .
27 The interior is unusual with columns set on circular plan but with flatter , straight sides to the exterior walls .
28 Feeling completely happy , she made her way towards the summer house set on high ground a little further down the bank .
29 His artillery , standard three-pounder [ 1.4-kg ] guns , was arranged in five pairs between the various front-line regiments , with some additional guns and Coehorn mortars set on high ground to the rear and to the left .
30 Aperture setting on any aperture priority auto camera should be at least f8 .
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