Example sentences of "set [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 Soon after breakfast we set off into the jungle .
2 I had acquired and learned to drive an old Hillman during the summer and , piling two tired and travel-sick children into the back with our parcels , we set off into the night .
3 The lights of Soufrière twinkled a long way off as they set off into the black , and headed north for Marigot Bay .
4 We were made welcome by the teachers , provided with a floor to sleep on , and within an hour had set off into the forest to look for wild cocoa .
5 He worked for the KGB at the time and he knew everything because he was involved in the secret inquiry that was set up into the ‘ incident ’ , as he called it .
6 The independent inquiry was set up into the LAS after the system broke down twice within 10 days .
7 Camus sets off into the night .
8 The following morning , a raiding party sets out into the new territory .
9 Before a bushbaby sets out into the African night , it performs a strange ritual : it cups its hands and then urinates on them .
10 The idea of a small group of men setting off into the desert to travel hundreds of miles behind the enemy lines was not such a hare-brained scheme as might be thought .
11 At least one species of African bushbaby , for example , cups its hands and urinates upon them before setting off into the African night .
12 This road takes you through what I would say was the most savage landscape you are likely to see in the Pyrenees without actually setting off into the mountains on foot , a valley which has rocks where other valleys have trees .
13 Even with full flap the aeroplane is quite clean , so maximum drag is used to get the power setting up into the quick-response range for a safe goaround .
14 The last operating day again just after 15.00 and 61094 has arrived from Leicester and is about to take water before setting back into the north bay .
15 Elsewhere an only son and brother is setting out into the great world to win a name and place .
16 Setting out into the desert was still regarded as important .
17 But as the runners made round the left-hand bend in front of the stands and set off into the country for the first time she was joined in the lead by Run And Skip , and the company clearly put her off , for she hit the third fence hard .
18 His game-plan ensured , he set off into the advertising world , swiftly rising from accounts like Oxfam , Nescafé and the Government 's drink-and-drive campaign at Wasey Campbell- Ewald to Tinker and Partners , where he became deputy to Caroline Le Bas .
19 Though her lungs were aflame with her efforts , she rolled over and set off into the darkness of the tunnel that led outside before anyone could think to send a boat for her — though at least there were hiding places here in case they did .
20 He set off into the fog to find out where he was , and came back to find Tess fast asleep .
21 But some doubted and one , Rol , who was a great war leader , mistrusted the feelings which prompted the Myrcans to wage war and was sickened by the killing , so he set off into the mountains to seek the Dwarves and avail himself of their ancient wisdom .
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