Example sentences of "set [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , it became clear that a number of the parties would be arriving some time before the three days set aside for the conference , thus giving themselves time to prepare their ground and gauge the mood of fellow guests , though their exact arrival dates were , again , uncertain .
2 In more and more grounds , fences and grilles have been built around the ‘ ends ’ and the areas set aside for the visiting supporters , further highlighting the sense of territory .
3 Not all market places were vast squares or rectangles or triangles , set aside for the purpose .
4 The section only applies to public houses ( for meaning of " public house , " see s.139(1) ) in respect of which applications for Sunday opening have not been granted under Sched. 4 , and , in respect of which , part of the premises have been adapted and set aside for the provision of the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening or both , The procedure for applying the section to the premises is similar to the procedure under 5,57 , Before a licence-holder can apply the section to his premises , he has to obtain a declaration of satisfaction from the licensing board that part of his premises are adapted and used or intended to be used for habitually providing the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening and that the adapted part does not contain a bar counter ( subs .
5 This organized disposal of the dead in large communal cemeteries , set aside for the purpose , is a useful indicator of more complex communities , so that the appearance of isolated burial plots can be instructive ; at Ilchester , the late burials within the extra-mural plots might well be indicative of the later Roman decline in standards within a contracting settlement .
6 This was not to say that organized and structured prayers for the dead had ceased , for the Roman Rite included plenary intercessions for the living and the dead at every mass ; the annual mass for the departed was on All Souls ' Day , a standard event in the Church 's calendar , set apart for the benefit of souls in purgatory .
7 ( 4 ) The purpose of the subsection is to make it clear that the extension of the permitted hours only applies to the part of the premises set apart for the consumption of main meals by a person having a table meal there .
8 If savings have been set aside for a funeral , and would now pay for one at current prices , that money , invested at the best rate of interest , may be enough to pay for the funeral when it occurs .
9 However , money has been set aside for a refurbishment programme across the group 's 30 hotels .
10 This is the date England had originally set aside for a friendly against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin but which both Robson and Jack Charlton agreed to abandon when they found themselves paired in the same World Cup group .
11 The 12 days between April 15th and April 26th were set aside for a ‘ points of light celebration of service ’ .
12 The VPE , headed by Solange Fernex , also wants the funds left over from the Presidential campaign of Bruce Lalonde , one of the AT 's leading lights , to go into a common kitty , rather than being set aside for a future bid for power by Lalonde — perhaps in the European parliament elections in 1984 .
13 The last day had been set aside for a hunting trip , a full day out in the field , putting into practice , hopefully , all we had learned .
14 An addition to Rotterdam 's World Trade Center was built in 1986–87 and one part of it was set aside for a V.I.P. entertainment suite .
15 They can only be set aside for a time .
16 An evening had been set aside for a get-together of the Branch 's top 50 clients to promote Special Savings Accounts .
17 The 1990–91 figure of £50,000 under Continuing Education was set aside for a pupillage sinking fund .
18 The site 's about to be developed by Tarmac Construction , but Thamesdown Media Arts wants part of it to be set aside for a museum , telling the story — the whole story — of those who worked there .
19 I hope , therefore , in the new session of Parliament , time will be set aside for a debate on current conditions in , and the future of , Northern Ireland prisons .
20 It had been set aside for no obvious purpose with a low table and several padded vinyl seats ; they were old and split with yellow foam bulging out , and on the walls were two art-school lithographs bearing optimistic prices .
21 As expenditures on arms decline with the ending of the cold war , there may be more money available for aid , but democratic politics being what they are , few would care to bet on it ; certainly not on any percentage saved being set aside for the developing nations .
22 Edward Cody of the AP and I once came to the conclusion that in every interview we conducted in Lebanon , a special chair should be set aside for The Plot — since The Plot invariably played a leading role in all discussions we ever had with politicians , diplomats or gunmen .
23 The candidates themselves may have to commit more time to the interview selection process ; the interviewers will have to ensure they leave enough time for discussion between themselves as well as making their own post-interview notes ; time will have to be set aside for the interviewers to meet and finalize their decision .
24 A row of buses waited outside the station to take the racegoers away to a variety of outlying motels , and a long new coach with darkly tinted windows was set aside for the owners .
25 ( ii ) Second reading In his discussions with the Leader of the House relating to the Bill , the Minister will have arranged for certain times ( usually a day or two , but perhaps up to eight days ) to have been set aside for the second reading debate .
26 The result was that the story was set aside for the time being .
27 She did n't have enough money set aside for the simultaneous cost of rent , an unexpectedly high fuel bill and Christmas expenses , so borrowed money to pay : loan instalments added another £12.05 to her weekly outgoings .
28 Tithes were simply proportional taxes levied on the output of the land and herds and used to support the Levites or to be set aside for the poor — widows , orphans , etc .
29 any motor vehicle standing on a part of a road specially set aside for the parking of vehicles , or as a stand for hackney carriages , or as a stand for public service vehicles , or as a place at which such vehicles may stop for a longer time than is necessary for the taking up and setting down of passengers where compliance with this regulation would conflict with the provisions of any order , regulations or byelaws governing the use of such part of a road for that purpose ;
30 This column has been set aside for the punchcard machines , but I 'm not forgetting that some of you have manual machines and I hope in future issues in to include something for you from time to time .
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