Example sentences of "set [prep] each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He adds , ‘ it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the government has taken power : ( a ) to set for each authority what is to be regarded as the ‘ needed ’ level of spending , ( b ) to enforce that level of spending by manipulation of grant' .
2 Control is exercised by financial techniques and revision of the objectives set for each unit .
3 The taxpayer : The financial targets set for each agency are designed to be demanding , ‘ so that the taxpayer can be certain that the money that is provided for these services is used in the most efficient way ’ .
4 A machine-readable data set for each diet of elections , and for elections in each tier of local government over time , will be deposited with the ESRC Data Archive .
5 The parity grid arrangement is similar in its operation to the snake in that absolute intervention points are set for each member currency against every other at which central banks are obliged to buy or sell their own currencies .
6 This takes the module programme of each student in turn , finds the best set for each module , and assigns the student to those sets .
7 The fees charged to overseas students are set for each degree at a level which reflects the full cost of tuition for that degree , and are not directly comparable with the reduced and standardised fees charged to students from the United Kingdom and European Community countries .
8 The former assessed need to spend by an authority as a basis for calculating entitlement to block grant ; the latter was a system of expenditure controls based around the progressive removal of grant above the ‘ target ’ expenditure level set for each authority .
9 After personal educational objectives have been set for each doctor the educational process should be completed by assessment of whether these objectives have been fulfilled .
10 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
11 This premise is in direct opposition to the view , currently fashionable , that defined and prescribed academic targets should be set for each stage of a child 's progress through school .
12 What happens in many of the significant films that emerge after the war is that the claims of the community and the individual are set against each other , bringing together Ealing realism and Gainsborough melodrama in a tremendously fruitful , if brief and explosive , relationship .
13 It is the responsibility of fundholding general practices to decide priorities for research in the context of the population 's needs and the contracts set with each provider .
14 The dashed curves trace the results of a full access frequency load to 100 per cent packing , while the unbroken curves show the effect of adding records of average activity from the packing densities set into each curve .
15 In a national quota sample , fifty constituencies might be selected at random , and then quotas set within each constituency on age , sex and employment status : interviewers would then have to find so many women , so many unemployed and so many young people .
16 The pentagonal base of a pyramid formed by five equilateral triangles can be set upon each face of a dodecahedron to form a polyhedron of 60 faces .
17 The maximum compensation we will pay , within the levels set in each service , is the market value of the item lost or damaged in the post .
18 Two papers are set in each option so the options constitute one half of the final examination papers .
19 The sound will then be re-recorded in binaural stereo using a dummy human head with a microphone set in each ear .
20 In the United States 35 states have legislation requiring all hospitals to provide a standard data set on each patient treated .
21 Stone funerary beds are set on each side of the main chamber .
22 As the dancers changed partners , set to each other , backed away , then set again and spun with crossed arms , Donald McCulloch became masterful , gripping the girls ' hands strongly , spinning so hard that the balls of their feet ached on the cobbles , and passing them on with an almost lordly flourish of his arm .
23 Some computers provide several so-called processor modes , distinguished by the allocation of a separate accumulator set to each mode ; one mode ( the problem mode ) is further distinguished by having privileged instructions disabled , while the others are all supervisor modes entered under different interrupt conditions .
24 Given that the minimum levels of pupil competence were set by each school district in cognisance of local circumstances , a question was raised concerning whether students who failed to reach the agreed standards could recover damages for their failure to learn , if they were able to demonstrate teacher negligence .
25 Fees set by each drama school do differ slightly , though they can be considered basically similar .
26 This picture was looked at in more detail and the two lowest mathematics sets in each school were focused upon .
27 Cos everybody else got the erm , forms , erm , the appraisal , and the one they had was supposed to be target setting for each department manager .
28 There were only two easy chairs , one set on each side of the fireplace ; a compact brown chair in torn leather with a patchwork cushion , and a grubby , more modern chair with fitted pads .
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