Example sentences of "set [prep] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Windows 4GL 2.0 supports a range of databases at run-time , prices start at $1,000 with ships set for next month .
2 The 23-year-old played Calypso in Channel 4 's steamy story set during Second World War .
3 Volume is set for second quarter 1993 .
4 Someone hands out a flyer for Digital Bubblebath , a rave set for next weekend .
5 Microsoft Corp says it has now shipped the second and final pre-release version of the Windows NT operating system to 70,000 customers and software developers , and says it offers significant improvements in performance , application support , networking and hardware compatibility ; release of the product is set for next quarter .
6 A decision over retirement has been postponed for the 12-year-old gelding , who resumed road-work last week at trainer John Bridger 's Hampshire yard , with a reappearance set for next month .
7 Some like " Diplomacy " , which is set in pre-First World War Europe , involve pupils in negotiations with other " countries " , setting territorial goals , and forming ( and often breaking ) alliances .
8 They echo the theme set in last year 's CBI Business Agenda for the 1990s with the emphasis on controlling inflation , public spending , strengthening the Department of Trade & Industry and giving it responsibility for the National Economic Development Council and opposing a national minimum wage .
9 New records are expected to be set at next year 's Olympics , where speed skiers will possibly exceed 150mph .
10 In theory , new commercial catch quotas could be set at next year 's meeting in Tokyo under a " revised management procedure " ( RMP ) , although any such decision might be so hedged around with qualifications as to make it impossible to fulfil .
11 THE SMALL £5 in the corner ( as in pay no more than ) is a good introduction to Sofa Head 's second album , and inside it shrewdly builds on the foundations set by last year 's ‘ Pre Marital Yodelling ’ .
12 THE SMALL £5 in the corner ( as in pay no more than ) is a good introduction to Sofa Head 's second album , and inside it shrewdly builds on the foundations set by last year 's ‘ Pre Marital Yodelling ’ .
13 The World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) has said that current proposals for a powerful new multilateral trade organisation ( MTO ) are not compatible with the goal of sustainable development set by last year 's Earth Summit in Rio .
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