Example sentences of "run [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Whenever they are exposed to real difficulty ’ , he pointed out , ‘ they run for the British umbrella . ’
2 In each case they run between the intersegmental folds or antecostae of successive segments .
3 Damage has extended into the dykes which run between the grazing marshes .
4 I run between the concrete pillars holding up the elevated railway , on to the steep stairs .
5 Steve Jones will run for the first time in the Morpeth-Newcastle , Britain 's oldest road race , on New Year 's Day ..
6 Steve Jones will run for the first time in the Morpeth-Newcastle , Britain 's oldest road race , on New Year 's Day ..
7 The module , which will run for the first time from February 1994 , offers students an opportunity to spend time working with a voluntary/ community organisation .
8 The CAT scanner which the hospital wants for its X ray department will cost £600,000 to buy and run for the first few years .
9 The new TradeUp ‘ 93 programme will run for the full year and accepts units from Sun Microsystems Inc , Digital Equipment Corp , IBM Corp , Silicon Graphics Inc , Apple Computer Inc and 80386 and 80486-based personal computers for up to 30% off the price of eligible Hewlett-Packard systems .
10 Managing director of Torquay Leisure Hotels , Laurence Murrell , points out that for the system to be financially successful , the units must run for the maximum possible number of hours .
11 They follow the lines of power that run through the Inner Sea to their destination .
12 The principles that run through the total education system have to be agreed between them .
13 These can either run off the public-telephone network , or off the smaller PABXs that control businesses ' own in-house telephone systems .
14 When satisfied , look along the whole length and ensure that the wood grain does not run off the true length .
15 Iris and Nils continued taking turns at the galley stove with the inevitable result that the dynamo that would run off the free-turning prop when we were sailing arrived by air from the States before the alterations to the drive shaft were complete .
16 Er now some more practical and down to earth aspects er Michael director of development will run through the critical path analysis for the new factory extension .
17 is I 'll just run through the additional points and these on the list which have been raised by the others , and
18 Cranston 's face sagged and Athelstan felt a tremor run through the great , corpulent body .
19 well you remember er when we sat down this evening I said there was a couple of ways that you could help me , one of these ways was that er you might be able to introduce me to one or two of your friends and I can run through the same ideas with them .
20 In the last few minutes he would fumble in a inside pocket , and the Queen in her handbag , and they would quickly run through the formal subjects for discussion .
21 The main theses/themes of the work : these will run through the whole book in varying forms and degrees .
22 Further proposals on rules of origin were tabled on Sept. 28 by Hong Kong and by the USA-in the latter case involving work in the CCC and later in GATT on a timetable which would run past the proposed end of the Uruguay Round .
23 At the other end of the scale are crowfoots of fast waters , whose only leaves are bunches of slender threads which run with the current — the ‘ crow 's feet ’ .
24 Eventually they will be replaced , but more than 60 years on they run with the rhythmic reliability of a Swiss watch .
25 This time he did n't run up the main street of Knockglen .
26 Then you run into the appalling problem that the Americans were conscious of from the word go , and that is Ramadan in the middle of March , and whether the Muslims will fight .
27 It will run from Waterloo departing at about lighting up time around five p.m. and will run along the direct route through Clapham , Woking and Guildford to Portsmouth Harbour .
28 A ‘ local passenger ’ train ( not for public use ) will run into the other platform hauled by GWR No 7760 .
29 Such progress will run into the familiar obstacles if measures are not also taken to recognize , support and share the unpaid tasks needed to maintain and reproduce the population .
30 The season will run into the 100th anniversary year of the show 's first performance in St Petersburg in 1892 .
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