Example sentences of "begin at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Does the spider begin in the centre and move outwards down the spiral , or does it begin at the outside and work inwards ?
2 Analysis of the contractor 's programmes should begin at the tender stage so that from the onset of a contract the attainability of the programme ( and thus the completion date ) have been assessed .
3 In particular , general relativity can not predict how the universe should begin at the big bang .
4 The international mediator Lord Owen said yesterday that talks between the Croatian government and Serbs would begin at the United Nations next week in an effort to renew a peace agreement blown apart in recent fighting .
5 Begin at the logical beginning .
6 Using a tapestry needle threaded with the embroidery colour , begin at the top right of the motif .
7 Einstein 's general theory of relativity , on its own , predicted that space-time began at the big bang singularity and would come to an end either at the big crunch singularity ( if the whole universe recollapsed ) , or at a singularity inside a black hole ( if a local region , such as a star , were to collapse ) .
8 Diana passed her interview and , in the spring term , began at the Vacani dance studio on the Brompton Road .
9 Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed .
10 Along the north side wall , beginning at the eastern end and for some 250ft was the machine row , which consisted of cross-cut and band-saws , mortising machines , planers , two spoke machines , wheel lathe , trimming machine , boring machines etc .
11 Downwardly sticky wages gives a J shape to the curve , labelled , with the curve beginning at the existing price level .
12 ‘ She could write a little essay on any subject , exactly a slate long , beginning at the left-hand top of one side and ending at the right-hand bottom of the other , and the essay should be strictly according to rule . ’
13 It is quite possible , he wrote , that it will lead nowhere , even when one has begun at the right time in the right spirit , or at least not at the wrong time , in the wrong spirit , with the wrong plans and having made the wrong preparations , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception .
14 With the dBase world now concentrated in the powerful hands of Borland International ( since its Ashton-Tate acquisition ) , Microsoft Corp ( with its pending Fox Software Inc acquisition ) and Computer Associates International ( which made a move on Clipper developer Nantucket Corp at the beginning of May ) , efforts to develop the various languages into an ANSI standard under the Xbase tag have now begun at the American National Standards Institution in Scottsdale , Arizona .
15 But first this lunchtime , the trial has begun at the High court in Glasgow of two youths accused of murdering the Edinburgh student Paul Sheldon .
16 Summing up has begun at the High Court in the case of a woman who claims that a routine jaw operation left her paralysed for life .
17 Whitechurch was shown the works by Mr G. Coker , chief draughtsman : ‘ There are two chief ways of seeing the works , either to begin at the finished coach and work backwards to the details , or to go to the beginning first and work upwards , but , at all events , you shall see as much as we can show you in a day ’ .
18 Much worse to begin too soon and reach the end too quickly , typed Goldberg , squinting at the manuscript before him , than to begin at the right time and reach the end too quickly .
19 Much worse to begin too soon and feel one has begun too soon than to begin at the right time and discover one has nothing to begin .
20 To begin at the right time , he wrote , means to be done with excuses once and for all .
21 But now you have to begin at the other end and tell the story in a straight run through the eyes , or over the shoulder , of the " detective " figure .
22 An exhibition featuring the work of textile artists Samantha Bell and Suzanne Cuttle begins at the Gray Art Gallery and Museum in Hartlepool today .
23 The 5 kilometre long footpath/cycleway begins at the old Livingston village close to the Kirk of Livingston which was rebuilt in 1732 on a site first consecrated in the 12th century .
24 This attention to detail begins at the initial planning stage when Kate will work with the architects and engineers on the proposed layout .
25 THREE years and five months after the Aga Khan 's Aliysa was first past the post in the 1989 Oaks , the latest chapter in the saga of her disqualification begins at the High Court today .
26 The scenic Lake Vyrnwy Nature Trail begins at the ornate Victorian dam and leads up through woodland , both deciduous and coniferous , into the heathery hills .
27 The route begins at the bonny little village of West Burton , climbs on to Penhill and then descends by drove road and field path to the ruined Crusaders ' chapel , returning at last by leafy lanes to the village .
28 It begins at the very beginning .
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