Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They are not fundamental criticisms of analysis or method , although they begin to raise wider questions about theoretical approaches .
2 If we can understand the cellular forces that bring about changes in the shape of the embryo then we can begin to ask further questions .
3 The concept of prevention also began to embrace wider concerns for the well-being of all deprived children , not only those at immediate risk of entry into care ( Leissner , 1967 ; Runnicles , 1968 ) .
4 In 1844 he became a regional committee member of the newly formed British Archaeological Association and began to conduct larger excavations , communicating his discoveries through the Association 's Journal .
5 Study at such world levels can now be achieved first because enough process data have been collected to allow some degree of national and world pattern to be discerned ; secondly because international cooperation has been initiated specifically to remedy the past deficiencies of data coverage ; and thirdly because the opportunities of remote sensing are now beginning to provide further clues to the world picture .
6 The police began giving higher priority to investigating attacks on foreigners , and the courts began to impose harsher sentences ; the prison term of two years and eight months imposed on Dec. 9 on a prominent neo-Nazi leader in eastern Germany , Thomas Dienel , was the longest sentence imposed thus far for the offence of inciting racial hatred .
7 Louise began to recount further discontents , unheard now by either her daughter or her sister .
8 During the twelfth century , bishops began to exercise greater jurisdiction and , beginning with Archbishop Lanfranc , there was increasing pressure to get private churches out of the landowners ’ control and under episcopal control .
9 From about 1205 onwards , the Plantagenets began to exert tighter control over them by granting them the constitutions known as the Etablissements de Rouen .
10 However , as kingdoms became settled and the Gregorian reform began to give greater prominence to centralization , councils and legates — in short to uniformity and a unifying law — so there were more difficulties in incorporating a wide variety of practices within a centralized system .
11 Some began to negotiate better terms for their own patients which led to accusations of a two-tier service .
12 The introduction of words such as ‘ Woopies ’ , ‘ Wrinklies ’ and ‘ Golden Girls ’ suggests that the language of marketing is beginning to describe older people in its own terms .
13 They began to pay greater attention to the effectiveness of sales promotions , and began to adopt a more integrated approach to advertising and sales promotion .
14 He began to seek further alignments which might relate to far more subtle astronomical changes — and found them .
15 Even into the second year of contracts , when DHAs were beginning to get better information on which to base changes in contracts , regional regulation is tight .
16 Guillaume was interested in him again as his work was beginning to command higher prices .
17 Mrs Thatcher was at least in a functional sense , beginning to show greater capacity for involvement in the life of the community , if without the passion of Edward Heath in the past .
18 Gradually therefore the significance of man began to achieve greater significance in physical geography , although few textbooks before 1970 allocated much space to the effects of human activity .
19 From 1978 Soviet officials began to show greater interest in the Vietnamese concept of a Zone of Neutrality in Southeast Asia despite their former lack of enthusiasm for the ZOPFAN proposal .
20 Whether the ground actually became firmer or whether I was spurred on by fear I do not know , but I began to make better progress .
21 One steel factory in Silesia found that it could no longer afford to make the heavily subsidised , high-quality steel it used to produce before the new budgetary regime , so it began to make smaller quantities of low-quality steel , which it found could be exported to Germany at a profit .
22 The population of this district had not been previously deeply dissatisfied ; but it was natural that they should wish well to people of their own class , supposed to be fighting for higher wages ; and they presently heard with truth that several employers hereabouts had begun to promise higher payments under the dread of seeing the population armed against them . ’
23 Losses of the one pound coin during its year of introduction were also alarmingly high , although people have now begun to take better care of them .
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