Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , it examines when children begin to compare with others not only as individuals but also as members of groups .
2 For example , if sulphate is added to the diet of methanogenic individuals , competitive displacement of methanogenic bacteria occurs and hitherto undetectable sulphate reducing bacteria begin to appear in faeces within a few days .
3 Occasionally errors occur in the replicative cycle of a virus and defective viruses begin to appear in cells .
4 I mean erm , I do n't know the height of this room , but erm , I could not begin to guess in metres , but I would think , you know , a door is six foot six , traditionally in height , add a couple of feet on , it 's , you know .
5 John would say that too many groups begin to meet on Sundays too soon .
6 It advocated action on housing and unemployment as a way in which Labour could begin to communicate with workers on both sides of the sectarian divide .
7 And are n't averse to using fairly unpleasant methods to er to get the money back if you begin to default on payments .
8 What is meant by this is that people begin to come to terms with what has happened .
9 If police operating with troops begin to engage in reprisals , the commander of the troops will withdraw his men , after giving the police due warning of his intention .
10 This , however , could soon be put right as investors begin to focus on changes which have taken place in the past few years .
11 I suppose well my children would say my answer to everything is to say to them breathe , you know , and erm you know just do very simple relaxation if nothing else , and then that allows you maybe to start looking at other things , but to get to the state where you can begin to look at things without the fears and emotions getting in the way .
12 Try some of the exercises which follow ; they may seem to make you slower at first , but not only will your speed increase as you get used to them , you may begin to look at problems in a different way .
13 When the work of the language lead body is completed , SCOTVEC will begin to look at ways of incorporating the occupational standards produced into existing modules and units .
14 The scientist has to remember a great deal of information before he can even begin to look for patterns in the data .
15 They can not see how they could begin to generalise about approaches to women in development that could be useful since women are represented in rich and poor , rural and urban , educated and uneducated , all ethnic , religious , cultural , tribal and other groupings .
16 Not only did this new attitude towards children begin to emerge among educationalists in the middle decades of the eighteenth century , but we can deduce also from the success of small private academies , from the development of a new kind of children 's literature , and from the vastly increased expenditure on the amusements and pleasures of children , that parents , too , were no longer regarding their children as sprigs of old Adam whose wills had to be broken .
17 But when funding stays level and subjects begin to compete for resources , the system breaks down .
18 Each night for the next two or three weeks , the army makes another long march through the forest until the grubs , which have been feeding voraciously , are fully grown and begin to turn into pupae .
19 This chapter presents a series of cameos which together begin to sketch in aspects of life in a northern town and its comprehensive school .
20 Implicitly , they have accepted many of the criticisms made for more than a decade by Labour councils and civil libertarians : that a force which has dug itself in behind ramparts of elitist isolationism must begin to respond to demands of the public it serves and their political representatives .
21 Only during the occasional bursts of sunshine did they begin to sing with birds and bugs .
22 It is possible that Mr Brooke , or a successor , may begin to think in terms of reducing the UDR 's role and size , and perhaps even phasing it out .
23 But at the close of July Harrogate 's streets begin to empty of carts and gigs , their places taken by coroneted coaches and post-chaises bringing their cargoes of nobler-blooded visitors .
24 Soon they begin to drop like birds to his side .
25 This means that , before you begin to think about colours and the names of varieties , you have to be clear about what you would like to do and what it is possible to do , perhaps planting kinds and types about which you may have heard but are not familiar with and which would add variation and interest to your garden .
26 Staff would begin to cluster in groups , perhaps because they needed common equipment and facilities , perhaps because they discovered common ground in what they taught .
27 Problems begin to occur in journeys of over one hour .
28 That 's perhaps why things began to go to pieces when the boy was born .
29 Maybe it 's time we began to roar like stags in the rut .
30 So confident was Sturt that a bountiful Garden of Eden existed somewhere in central Australia that in January 1843 he began to sue for funds for an expedition into the interior .
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