Example sentences of "begin [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 For most , the tedium of weekly travel , the long sitting hours and the heartache of separation from normal family life may soon begin to fade from the memory .
32 You may have experienced something similar with shampoo : use the same one for too long and the remarkable results you may have seen at first begin to diminish after a few washes .
33 This led him to see that , that only one thing which can begin to come to the rescue of human beings in this situation , and that is universal love , and on that basis he saw , almost instantaneously , that war , that violence , that coldness in personal relations even , are morally intolerable .
34 Turning the other cheek is not an option here — until the children begin to work through the logic and consequences of two wrongs making a …
35 Others never seem to be fully awake until midday but begin to sparkle in the evening , their ideal time for decisive action and clear thinking .
36 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues that customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
37 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
38 What these differences between the two halves of the brain might be telling us , we had no idea at the time — but some clues will begin to appear by the end of the next chapter .
39 Medau teachers support and direct their classes in much the same way as a conductor does an orchestra — first they perform the movement to feel the accent , shape and dynamics , then begin to communicate with the class through voice , before developing the rhythmic possibilities with claps , clicks , drumbeats , other percussive sounds , improvised piano music or recorded music .
40 It 's only after I 've mastered the basic moves that I can begin to concentrate on the emotions . ’
41 From the moment you accept a place at the University of Edinburgh you begin to benefit from the extensive range of services provided by the Students ' Association .
42 In their second year these children become able to walk , they leave the hut and begin to participate in the life outside .
43 But obviously my plant to whack off hastily and then make the second copy had to be abandoned , because my dick would n't even begin to reach over the plastic strip between me and where the glass started when it was soft .
44 ( Echoes of Evelyn Waugh 's Ishmaelite consul-general begin to flutter in the ear : ‘ As that great Negro , Karl Marx , has so nobly written … ‘ )
45 Some of the underlying assumptions of the discussion published below , are that before we begin to talk about an international/global unity/movement we need to look at our own situation in this country , at our own ’ political ’ community , which is international in terms of its make up , and the ways in which we operate or fail to operate together .
46 ‘ People get hooked , ’ he wrote , ‘ they begin to behave in a way that resembles addiction .
47 It might arise if one additional record were added to each group of consecutive records ; for example , a group of stores might begin to open on a Saturday , and require an extra record for each store to record transactions .
48 When cells leave the basal layer they cease to divide and begin to mature into the tough dead cells that cover the surface .
49 So when I have to weigh up whether I can afford to trade in my battered old VW and think of those who have a BMW or Mercedes , then you begin to wonder at the sense of it all .
50 The UK is of course opposed to surrendering its monetary sovereignty and did not begin to participate in the relatively modest exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System until October 1990 .
51 This could explain why some babies only have colic in the evening , when the morning feed reaches the intestines and the bacteria that live there begin to feed on the undigested lactose .
52 If the candidate seems settled in for the day stand up and help him/her with their coat , or begin to walk towards the door .
53 They saw him leave the room where they were sitting and begin to walk across a bar which lay between it and the entrance to the building .
54 The age of the organisation : many businesses and other organisations begin to grow through the efforts of a few individuals ( eg. owner-directors , or the founder of a political pressure group ) and tend to be highly centralised ( power culture ) .
55 Some animals feed on living plants ; even if no animals come at first they may come later if plants begin to grow in the microhabitat .
56 For simple statements they certainly apply , but Q. says that , when you begin to philosophise about the " why " and the " how " , the Romance words are required .
57 Now , however , I have grave misgivings as we begin to hear from the European Community more and more talk about a federal Europe and closer political integration .
58 A closer examination of the component parts of the code is given in chapter 4 , when we begin to look at the implications of the code in respect of standards of nursing care provided by the qualified nurse or health visitor .
59 The report of Domingue and Ingram ( 1978 ) , for the USA , indicates the emergence of the profession both in terms of status and in concerns for interpreter efficiency , and it is on this basis that we begin to look at the processes involved , comparing signed with spoken interpretation .
60 I know about the Islington survey , and I also share his concern about under-reporting in some areas of the country of some types of crime in particular , but let me continue with the facts before we begin to look at the solutions .
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