Example sentences of "begin [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Revolutions , as that now — spurned revolutionary Chairman Mao said , begin with the first step .
2 Begin with the first page of the transcript and count the first 50 utterances which fulfil the following conditions :
3 Begin with the first row .
4 We begin with the first type of study .
5 We discuss this later version in the next section , but we begin with the first ( and now obsolete ) version of the logogen model since the evolution of the second version from the first is instructive .
6 Let us begin with the first step in the above argument .
7 I will begin with the first line of argument , which asserts that the investigation of a suspect ends when he is charged .
8 So I will begin with the first time I ever saw John Russell .
9 Full-time university preparatory programmes begin on the first Monday of January , April , July and October .
10 It was proposed and agreed that a morning Sunday School should begin on the first Sunday in October at 9.45 am , this proposal to be submitted to the Superintendent minister , the Reverend James Donnelly , for his approval .
11 Now we can begin on the first phrase — the most important of the whole theme , for the success of everything else depends upon it .
12 If the rent is payable monthly it is usually best that the tenancy should begin on the first of the month .
13 Begin at the first chapel on the right dedicated to St Ludmila ( 1 ) .
14 British sport began for the first time to embrace commercialism , although the process was cautious and gradual .
15 And I believe it was then , looking on that view , that I began for the first time to adopt a frame of mind appropriate for the journey before me .
16 It was one thing to be opposed to discrimination ( and many of them now began for the first time to say that they did , indeed , oppose it ) , but it was quite another thing to talk openly about equal validity of sexuality .
17 Even the Ottoman empire began for the first time in its history to acquire some more or less clearly defined boundaries when , after the treaty of Carlowitz of 1699 , joint commissions were set up to demarcate its frontiers with Habsburg territory .
18 In Britain from the 1820s all attachés had to have a letter of appointment signed by the secretary of state ; and from 1815 a number of them began for the first time to be paid .
19 Germany also began during the first years of the twentieth century to make some patchy and sporadic provision of much the same kind for her trade interests abroad .
20 And the list grew longer every time , for he did n't just read the new names but began with the first and proceeded to the newest , the tension in his cathedral growing as he reached the end of the litany of those whose names were already familiar and , without pause , added those of the latest .
21 Biotechnology , in the form of plant and animal breeding , also has a long history , beginning with the first agriculturalists c. 10 kyr BP , but developments in genetic engineering in the 1970s and 1980s are opening up possibilities that have no historical parallels and thus there are no base-line data against which it is possible to predict future environmental changes that genetically engineered organisms may promote .
22 If learning to read is regarded as a continual process of making more and more sense of written language , advancing with every reading experience and beginning with the first insight that print is meaningful , then it will be seen that there can never be anything specific for a child to be ready for … .
23 The original sin began in the first cabinet when treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton was said to have misused a married woman and government funds .
24 However , beginning from the first or second post-operative day there were gradual signs of improvement until her death three weeks after surgery .
25 Beginning in the first week in August , Sri Lankan fans will , in the course of six months , see Australia , New Zealand and England perform here .
26 As part of its future direction , ADDS previewed a 3270/X software package for migrating 3270 users to NCR 's Open Cooperative Computing Architecture beginning in the first quarter of 1993 .
27 Beginning in the first half of 1993 , SunLink ISDN , certified in France , Germany , the UK , Japan and the US , will be offered to all Sparcstation 10 users for free .
28 For many its decline began before the First World War , as a consequence of its inability to maintain the trade-union and working-class support in the face of the challenge of the Labour Party .
29 On balance the evidence suggests that the Liberal decline began before the First World War , but there is no denying that the war speeded up this process .
30 The deluge began on the first day of September 1963 .
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