Example sentences of "begin [verb] about the " in BNC.

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1 For simple statements they certainly apply , but Q. says that , when you begin to philosophise about the " why " and the " how " , the Romance words are required .
2 WHEN ASKED to list the aeronautical contributions made by the Bell Aircraft Corporation , most enthusiasts would begin talking about the P–39/P–63 line of fighters .
3 If we begin thinking about the details of the cube , we can try to restore one piece at a time .
4 Pushing himself with indolent grace away from the door , Rourke came into the room and began to rummage about the shelves beneath the counter .
5 But this activity was less influential than the rumours which began to circulate about the New Poor Law .
6 And then his thoughts wandered again and he began to worry about the speed with which the vegetation was growing around the ramparts .
7 He had been Senior British Officer in command of the prisoners in the orphanage and he had received considerable help from the people of Fontanellato ; eventually he had been helped to reach Switzerland , Now , suddenly , a few months before the date we had settled on for our marriage , he began to worry about the idea of one of his officers ( who made no claims to any sort of upper-class lineage ) marrying the daughter of a village schoolmaster .
8 And he began to worry about the body in the garden .
9 When Seb was beginning to worry about the task , Carrie arrived at the farm , carried there on the back of a horse ridden by her father .
10 Times have changed since Naipaul began to write about the societies of the Caribbean : these are now less apt to seem , to the outsider , petty and remote .
11 ‘ For the first time I began to wonder about the camp and the people I should find inside it .
12 She leaned against him comfortably , and he began to wonder about the possibilities in aiming for the wide sleeve of her dress .
13 Do you know , that 's the first time I began to wonder about the name Raphael .
14 Suddenly , he stood upright , held out his hands like paws , then bunched up the tails of his huge brown coat in front of his stomach to convey an impression of the kangaroo 's pouch , and began to bounce about the room .
15 Some of us , however , are beginning to wonder about the legendary fighting spirit of the Scottish people .
16 This depicted W H Smith as being accident prone — ‘ every time [ analysts ] meet the company there is another piece of bad news ’ — and weakly led : ‘ Brokers are also beginning to mutter about the effectiveness of the management led by opera buff and P G Wodehouse fan , chairman Sir Simon Hornby : they wonder if he is the right man to tackle the deep-seated problems at Do It All . ’
17 That was the year when , in the parks and boulevards of the great cities of the West , people first began to talk about the death of images .
18 The Health chairman was unmoved ( leading Awlad Amira to remark later that everything had already been decided , there was no true democracy ) and was about to raise another aspect of the question when a speaker at the public microphone began to talk about the roads , mentioning the present high cost of transport across the Sahara .
19 There was a pause ; the Health chairman began to talk about the need for hospitals near roads ; accidents would happen , victims would need care .
20 ‘ This is the story of how God created the world , ’ and he began to talk about the light and the darkness , the coming of the sky and the sea , the fish and the animals and of Adam and Eve .
21 Baldwin at once began to talk about the walk they would have the following morning , and suggested that they should eschew the subject of coal for the evening .
22 Beside him , Clarac began to talk about the progress they had made , the difficulties they had overcome , but Berdichev was hardly listening .
23 The striped shirt man now began to talk about the portfolio .
24 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
25 While John Carter waited in custody , local police began wondering about the strange disappearance of the farmer 's second wife .
26 Serious doubts are beginning to emerge about the new blueprint already .
27 Business and the bourgeoisie soon overcame their initial gratitude at being spared revolution and began to grumble about the " collectivism " of de Gaulle 's economic policies , not to mention the inclusion of communists in his government .
28 Soon the demands grew so heavy the photocopier could not cope , and originals began to fly about the system .
29 She suppressed an embarrassed chortle as the men began to chat about the paper .
30 After the routine admiration of children , garden , and so on , they began to chat about the office .
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