Example sentences of "bring in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mummy would have Mrs Thing bring in a trolley with cakes and sandwiches and tell her to play the piano for the Guests .
2 What I 'm , what I 'm saying is if , if you want to really stir people up , bring in a procedure within telling them what you 're doing , and then imple implement it at a later date and people will say , this is not quality .
3 We may decide let's be passive and move to battle decide is actually an important issue and wan na be aggressive and they actually bring in a relationship so important .
4 Well just carry stitches and then bring in a bit and then double up .
5 One question I did ask at the Fire and Public Protection Committees what happens when you do n't , when we bring in a unity authority status .
6 He was recently quoted as saying : ‘ I 've got a terrible habit when people bring in a picture and say they want to look like that — I invariably tear it up in front of them .
7 Well bring in a picture of him
8 bring in a reign of terror and have
9 Whilst they only fill a tenth of seats they bring in a lot more income , in Virgin 's case almost half .
10 A HAIRLINE crack just two centimetres long in an engine manifold of the newest space shuttle has caused NASA engineers to jettison an engine and bring in a replacement .
11 The deans and chaplains of colleges were nervous lest the evangelicals bring in a firebrand of a missioner who would repel their undergraduates not only from his mission but from religion .
12 One evening I was bringing in a basket of apples from the garden , when a voice behind me said , ‘ Ellen , is that you ? ’
13 Vic Noodle kicked off married life and the new season by pawning his wife 's jewellery and bringing in a clutch of new signings .
14 Furthermore even in a fused profession , the barristers in chambers in the Inns of Court and elsewhere would undoubtedly enter into partnership as specialist trial advocates and do agency work for other solicitors , whose own staff were unable to act as advocates in every case or where the complexity of the case justified bringing in a specialist advocate .
15 Harry was scarcely acquainted with his horse and could offer no reassurance ; neither did he think of bringing in a companion horse for the mare .
16 TITIA Sutherland 's OUT OF THE SHADOWS ( Black Swan £5.99 ) deals tenderly with the relationship of a girl and an ageing woman , as well as bringing in a ghost story and wartime tragedy .
17 At first he had liked the thought of bringing in a lot of women to make Gina jealous .
18 when we erm , er when we were doing those projects we erm , we had a comments book and more , more people were in favour of them and saw them as an improvement to the town and so it needs something that 's really interesting actually , it 's er , erm the work 's department have said , as a result of those graffiti projects they can shift two officer 's from the graffiti team to the highway 's team , so it 's actually cut down on the work of actually clearing up unwanted graffiti , so it 's had a positive effect , so we , we 've got these two people work with the other people and we 've got Dorothy who 's working with , with black people and ethnic minorities in the town and erm for people who were here when this presentation was last given , er Robin who used to be in the local The Policy Team of the Local Government Unit is now actually a Community Development Officer , one of the decision 's , Robin use to do video work for the Authority erm , and we decided we asset whether the the need for that kind of , k ind of work to continue , and we thought on balance not erm and he now is running the music rehearsal space over at Latton Bush , that again is a project for young people , to enable , it 's a place where band 's can practice and that 's the problem in Harlow erm and er that 's really exciting project because it 's bringing in a lot of income for the Council as as well as providing the service that people want and , and it , I mean it is important at this time that we are doing limited projects where we are bringing in income , cos at , you know we estimate that erm we can get that erm rehearsal space properly resource , that project could be self financing , so your providing a service but your also getting paid , your getting paid for as well , so erm that is who we are now and were er , where were located , we have an open door policy as people will know .
19 But er when just before I left the polishing which was in nineteen thirty eight , er they were bringing in a lot of cellu it 's all th a lot of all this modern stuff is what they call cellulose , but I could n't tell you how it 's done , it 's done with a spray .
20 I was bringing in a patron a day . ’
21 In the cases that followed ( ie the disposal of the whole of the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 3 ) ; a conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 4 ) ; and the conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to a third party ( Chapter 5 ) ) , once the husband had disposed of his interest no further tax considerations applied so far as the husband was concerned ( unless there was an element of gift involved in the conveyance not at arm 's length and the husband died within seven years , thus bringing in a charge to inheritance tax ) .
22 We have recently succeeded in bringing in a number of new projects but to put it in perspective we need something like 250,000 hours of work a year and a major project like Tencel was about 50,000 in total .
23 I 'm gon na bring in a hair tong today
24 Could you bring in a couple of ashtrays when you come in love ?
25 Labour can not , on the one hand , criticise us for giving our system careful consideration and waiting until 1 April 1993 and , on the other hand , announce that they will bring in a scheme in 1992 with no system to back it up .
26 The French police may bring in a suspect for interrogation under the process of garde à vue .
27 He suggested that the jury should bring in a decision that would mean that ‘ in future , parents and doctors could make decisions on this awful problem without unidentified informers rushing off to the police . ’
28 They need it to finance new projects and which they ultimately hope those projects will bring in a profit on the capital employed .
29 So the ministers in charge of the measure felt they could not bring in a guillotine or send the bill to a committee upstairs because most of the Conservatives would have voted against and , not being an issue of confidence between the parties , sufficient Labour dissidents might also have voted against the government to leave it in a minority .
30 To be fair there was a week when Mr Barnes spotted this inconsistency too and suggested that seeing as how we all wasted our tutor time ( WE wasted it — I like that ! ) we should bring in a board game next week and he 'd organise a sort of tournament .
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