Example sentences of "bring to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the more that students can bring to the course , the more they will take away from it .
2 She could no longer bring to the man she loved her untouched innocence , and , worse than that , she could not bear his lovemaking because it reminded her so bitterly of what had been done to her .
3 There we find an equally spirited expression of what well-executed design can bring to the presentation of corporate information , from the formal reporting of a company 's performance to the promoting of a wider understanding of its aims and personality .
4 Now in her early fifties she may find her age an advantage for the stability , maturity and experience she could bring to the position .
5 But it was said and the barrier was back between them , built of suspicions neither of them dared bring to the surface … though Trent had intended asking her about her grandfather .
6 The process of encouraging staff collectively to analyse and share their own concepts of ‘ remedial ’ and ‘ need ’ can bring to the surface the anomalies , inconsistencies and injustice which at present cloud the vision of some teachers .
7 Margaret Ramsay explores the problems stress can bring to the workplace and suggests what a company needs to be checking out .
8 His knowledge of athletics , along with several other sports , was almost encyclopaedic , and together with fellow presenter David Coleman , he set the high standards for television coverage of athletics which have helped bring to the sport the huge audiences it enjoys today .
9 You may bring to the Home any possessions or furniture within the limits of space in the building .
10 Was he taking up the gauntlet against the subtle yet inevitable erosion such wealth would bring to the culture of his people ?
11 In order to be enrolled you must bring to the University :
12 In order to be enrolled you must bring to the University :
13 In the final analysis it really is up to the planning officers and the planning committee to decide whether the benefits which it will bring to the locality outweigh the objectors ' views .
14 This is an important finding and leads me to question the enthusiasm and commitment that the National Blood Transfusion Service laboratories will bring to the provision of autologous blood throughout the country .
15 Despite Ariosto such a project is still feasible , Gustave declares : the additional elements he will bring to the subject are ‘ terror and a broader poetry ’ .
16 So I 'm not speakin' about any part of you you do n't bring to the fore yourself . ’
17 No allowance is made for the separate contribution that the reader himself might bring to the text , and that might help to determine its meaning and effect .
18 A statement said that the two sides — the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA-PT ) government and the US-backed National Union for Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) — should bring to the negotiating table " realistic proposals " for a period within which elections should be held .
19 The technology that Torstar could bring to the romance form , through its various subsidiaries , allowed for an international distribution and advertising network .
20 It was a post for which he was singularly unsuited and from which he removed himself or was gently pushed in September 1939 , but , though he failed to hit it off with the central committee , he did bring to the organisation the stamp of institutional legitimacy .
21 One member commenting on the new profile Taylor can bring to the region says : ‘ He understands what it means to run a business and what it costs to run a business .
22 The adjustment to the indicative price is an art in that the purchaser takes account of the cost saving benefits it can bring to the vendor 's business , potential profit increases arising from market synergies and identified liabilities which may affect future profitability .
23 Meanwhile , back at the ranch there was Antonia — busy dreaming of her days at No. 10 , her chauffeur-driven car , her designer millinery and all the social skills she could bring to the job of Prime Minister 's wife .
24 In general the local reaction welcomed the prospect of development : ‘ The excitement created by the discovery of the mine and the expected bonanza it would bring to the area also dampened opposition .
25 Seb and Christian spoke until well into the night about the changes that total disafforestation would bring to the area — and to the gipsies in particular .
26 But above all , the big companies will bring to the business a sense of the relative costs of different techniques of waste disposal .
27 The people love us for the genuine American feel we bring to the business .
28 ‘ Opponents of our efforts are attempting to deny customers in the US the benefits of competition that a strong and experienced global competitor would bring to the marketplace , ’ company vice-president of government relations Jim Graf said .
29 There were good reasons for his decision , not least of which was the stability that the old man 's presence would bring to the Security forces .
30 They minuted ‘ grave reservations ’ about her , and resolved to ‘ bring to the attention of the board the limitation of Christine Jackson 's skills ’ .
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