Example sentences of "bring out [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Discussion should bring out contrasts in how vocabulary is used in speech and writing .
2 ( iii ) Discussion should bring out examples of words and expressions which tend to undergo very rapid change in use or meaning — eg terms of approbation ( wicked , brill ) ; differences in the use and meanings of words as used by pupils , their parents and grandparents — eg wireless , radio , tranny , receiver ; and new words that have become part of the English vocabulary during the last 50 years or so , eg computer , astronaut , macho .
3 These operations bring out effects of many kinds and on different levels of abstraction : high-quality or low-quality products or services ; radically new products or only small improvements in the old ones ; high or low job satisfaction among employees ; commercial profit or loss .
4 Several of them had bought his books , bringing out fivers like so much small change .
5 Bringing out reports on IT has been something of a growth industry .
6 Acetic acid ( about 20% by volume ) gives a more selective etch , bringing out details of grain textures and fabrics more subtly than HCl .
7 The mention of the word ‘ arts ’ often brought out feelings of resentment in physics students about the apparently easy time arts students had of it :
8 The Gulf crisis also brought out divisions among the factions within government contending for the succession to President Gouled on his completion of two terms of office in 1993 .
9 He took the car and the warm evening seemed to have brought out hordes of motorists who were just strolling , and he chose a zigzag route to throw off any fan club .
10 Competitive controversy brought no agreement — but brought out feelings of hostility and suspicion .
11 However , Central this month brought out plans for a new primary building for the town , replacing St Mary 's and the 640-pupil Dunblane primary school .
12 A few months later , in the White Paper on adult offenders , the Home Office brought out proposals for the abolition of the special sentences of corrective training and preventive detention , and for the release of prisoners on parole , without making any mention of the Commission .
13 Co-operative controversy brought out differences in an atmosphere of curiosity , trust and openness : the decisions reached seemed to integrate the views of both parties .
14 He himself never published this work , but after his death Lessing brought out parts of it as Fragmente eines Unbekannten ( ‘ Fragments by an Unknown Author ’ ) .
15 He , like many of his critics and followers , failed to see that the claims for a new scientific conceptualization rest not only on the ‘ facts ’ they are concerned to put into some kind of order , but also on the capacity of the new theoretical framework to bring out connections between what , until the new framework is used , appear as unconnected bits and pieces of information .
16 Bagehot recognised that the party system in Westminster was the ‘ bone of its bone , breath of its breath ’ , emphasising that the function of parliament is to bring out differences of opinion into the open , offering parliament and public a real choice by so doing .
17 The need for trainers to be able to bring out skills in others is paramount .
18 He did not make it obvious , but he led the conversation , changed topics when he thought it needed it , enquired robustly of the lawyer certain things , and more gently of the females , as if to bring out gems of information they had stored in their pretty little heads .
19 As adult Christians we believe that we are dependent for everything upon God — so if the priest in some sense ‘ represents ’ God for us , then he tends to bring out feelings of dependence .
20 The silvery yellow of the highland sunrise — the city is 4,000 feet above sea level — brings out women with bright yellow and green jerry-cans , collecting water from a communal pipe-line , office-workers and shop assistants beginning the hour 's walk to work , men from the surrounding villages with matooke ( green bananas ) , sugar-cane , charcoal and wood slung from ancient creaking bicycles .
21 Once through the crust , tunnelling is easier and she brings out loads of sand , clutched between her forelegs .
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