Example sentences of "bring [pers pn] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had had a sudden image of Syl bringing me breakfast in a bed which we had shared , and I heard myself saying aloud , ‘ No ! ’
2 This rejection at least served the purpose of bringing me face to face with the uncomfortable fact that I was now without a job and almost without an occupation .
3 — Oh airs and winds , you bring me stories from the living , rustle of leaves and heave of branches , you speak to me of pain , and you , streaming magma from the belly of Adesangé and cold rivers too spouting from down below , you swollen sea where Manjiku glides , and you , shining pale moon , and you , oh bright sun of the zenith and green glittering star , HEAR ME !
4 He sent for Marko and told him , " You must plant me a vineyard and bring me wine from it in seven days .
5 The men who tried to civilize these shaggy and uncouth marginalians by bringing them news of civilization have left a certain number of translations that are better reading today than are the works of the ignorant islanders who were too Proud to translate .
6 I said , like the child who had played with the dolls and bears , ‘ Syl would bring me breakfast in bed , only his mother would n't let him . ’
7 Taking out a separate maintenance contract can also bring you peace of mind if you 're running mission-critical applications — those vital programs you need to have running if your business is going to survive .
8 A DAY out in Essex could bring you face to face with sharks , tigers or an Egyptian mummy — provided you know where to look .
9 We 'll bring you news of our activities with Victim Support and research results .
10 And we 'll bring you news of Oxford 's match at Tranmere in our late night news … when we 'll also have the score from tonight 's game at Kingsholm …
11 The first Kenyan African novelist was a man of anger , developing the marxist position that would eventually bring him detention without trial for a year , followed by exile .
12 His servants and courtiers would bring him tales of the beautiful palace and grounds above , but he refused to listen to their mad ramblings .
13 The chief wanted to know when he could bring us news of his uncle 's barges .
14 This predicament arises out of the demise of consciousness , when only consciousness , understood in a traditional way , can bring us face to face with , and hence give us any grasp on , the qualitative , as opposed to relational , properties .
15 In this the European Year of the Older People and solidarity between generations , I bring you greetings from the pensioners .
16 Yet ere now we were not ready to supply a ship to return to our dear native shore and bring you news of our safe passage and happy issue of our venture .
17 It 's becoming a favourite pastime , combining the thrill of the chase with the joy of the bargain which is why we regularly try and bring you news of the latest openings .
18 However , of its contemporaries , your soaraway NME was undoubtedly the most diligent in bringing you news of the latest teen pop sensations .
19 Lou Macari 's attempts to wed a club steeped in sophistication to the long-ball game have brought him unpopularity in the dressing-room which will soon spread to the terraces if results do not improve .
20 Only after his accession did Richard seek to exploit Morgan 's Welsh connections , and by then Morgan 's private interests had shifted firmly to the south of England , where marriage had brought him land in Dorset and Hampshire .
21 Only after his accession did Richard seek to exploit Morgan 's Welsh connections , and by then Morgan 's private interests had shifted firmly to the south of England , where marriage had brought him land in Dorset and Hampshire .
22 Born in Hawick , he was a late starter in photography , having worked for several years with a water board , but his eye for a picture has brought him distinction on numerous occasions .
23 Several assault and battery charges had brought him trouble with the police .
24 This policy has brought it £24m of borrowings , most at variable rates , and Mr Linacre said replacing these borrowings with convertible preference shares , yielding 7 per cent , would save the group about £1.8m a year .
25 ‘ For Christ himself has brought us peace by making Jews and Gentiles one people .
26 She had enjoyed bringing him goodies from the kitchen — ends of puddings in one of the dogs ' dishes , the last remains of cakes , meat , bones — only chicken bones , because they were so bad for the dogs .
27 But the past could raise its head in other ways , he realized , when two days later a letter arrived with a London postmark , bringing him news of the most extraordinary nature .
28 His descendant , John , the third baron Ashburnham , served as a soldier while following the family tradition of dynastic marriages ; in his case , he excelled his inherited duties by outliving the three heiresses he married , bringing him £30,000 in dowries .
29 HAPPY IN HELL — The Christians ( Island ) Restrained soul-pop outing that sees the brothers Christian returning to the kind of infectious form that brought them success with ‘ Forgotten Town ’ and ‘ Ideal World ’ .
30 The English kings , however , were unlikely to be willing to relinquish a part of their inheritance which brought them revenue in the early fourteenth century of about £13,000 a year , and whose subjects accepted English rule .
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